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After Media Attacks Gen. Kelly’S Dead Son, Sarah Sanders Unleashes Furious Tirade

VIDEO: Vladimir Putin: Trump Supporters Deserve More Respect/Hillary Made Up Russian Collusion

Former NFL Players Say League Should Allow Players to Use Marijuana to Treat Pain, Injuries

Catholic leaders attack ‘erosion of respect’ for doctors who oppose abortion


What This Intelligence Official Just Leaked About Jeff Sessions Will Rock Washington

The rich should not be paying one penny less: Patriotic Millionaires member

Firm behind Trump dossier fights demand to open bank records

Is it time for a comprehensive immigration approach?


Trump Just Gave The Signal To Our Nuclear Bombers! Look Where They Are Flying Soon

Maxine Waters GOP Challenger Calls For Her Arrest After She Threatened To Take Trump Out

Ivanka Trump: Simplification of our tax code democratizes it

Steven Crowder Challenges College Students To Change His Mind On Guns


Breaking: Trump Just Stopped Everything To Do 1 Amazing Thing For This Hero That Is Shocking America

Why are President Donald Trump’s Appointees Protecting The Clintons?

There will be lots of reasons for Dems to support good tax reform: Fmr. CBO director

North Korea Warns It Is “Fully-Fledged Nuclear Power’, Transition Finished


This Investigator Just Went On Live TV And Leaked The Sick Thing Deep State Is Planning For Trump

Trump To Roger Stone: Just Wait, We’re Going To Turbo Charge The Economy

University Investigates Islamic Student for ‘White Fragility’ Remark

Mueller Probe Targets Democrat Lobbying Firm Podesta Group


It’s Official! Obama Just Got Nailed To The Wall With Devastating News From The Senate

Liberals Love Trump’s Tax Plan When They’re Told It’s Bernie Sanders’ Plan

Why Won’t Americans Give Up the 2nd Amendment? This is why…

Moms who became gun control activists are now running for office


China’s 8.5-Ton Space Station Is Falling Toward Earth And Scientists Have No Idea Where It Will Land

Breaking! Billionaire launches campaign to impeach Trump!!!

Celebrities Still Playing the “Useful Idiots” for Gun Grabbing Left

Millennials May be Liberal, but More are Supporting Gun Rights

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