11/24 weekend sponsors


Watch Bernie Squirm In His Depends As He Comes Face-To-Face With Question About Clinton And Franken

Why does the IRS’ Lois Lerner want her testimony sealed? Mark Meckler weighs in.

Faith schools show ‘sharp decline’ in standards over concerns about British values teaching

Egypt attack: Devastating blasts kill at least 155 worshippers in mosque


Breaking: Trump Just Reclassified N.Korea Now He Can Hit KJU Even Harder

GOP distances itself from Roy Moore amid sexual assault allegations

Don’t call God ‘he’: Church of Sweden calls clergy to use gender-neutral language

Traumatised: How art therapy is shining a light for Iraqi refugees after ISIS


Breaking: Federal Court Moves On Trump’s Sanctuary City Act With Outlandish Declaration

Russia Confirms Toxic Cloud, Source Still Remains A Mystery

CalPERS Is Shocked—Just Shocked—To Find Cities Reeling Under Growing Pension Debt: New at Reason

Trump’s Deregulation Drive Stops at the Border


Debunked! Roy Moore Celebrating After Gloria Allred Gets The Bad News

Guest Tried Taking On Tucker Carlson Over Anthem Protester – He Didn’t Stand A Chance

Dems accused of abusing ‘blue slips’ to block judicial picks

POLL: President Trump Wants to Expose Sexual Harassers in Congress — Do You Love This?


Swamptastic! Dem Congressman Who Oversees Sexual Harassment Settlements Is Under FBI Investigation

Tom Steyer’s Trump Impeachment Ad is Backfiring Big Time!

Oregon Hunters To Continue Having Access To Public Land Following Dispute Resolution

Report: Firm behind Trump dossier paid journalists


Podesta Group Just Nailed To The Wall When This Group Did 1 Thing They Feared To State Department

Ever Taken An Uber? Then You Need To Know What They Just Tried To Hide From The Public. It Is Bad!

Should Rep. John Conyers and Sen. Al Franken resign?

China Will Have Ballistic Missile That Can Strike Anywhere On Earth Ready In Months


After TX Woman Puts Vile Anti-Trump Sticker On Her Truck She Gets Hit With Instant Justice

Trump Turns Deep State Upside-Down as Evidence Mounts For CIA Dispersed Pneumonic Plague—D. Hodges

Diversity? NPR Runs ‘Source of the Week’ Blog to Promote Leftist Minority Experts

Rush Limbaugh Has Serious Concerns About H.R. McMaster


Unforgivable! MSNBC Host Drops Jaws Across America With 5 Horrific Words On Rand Paul’s Attack

Why aren’t business leaders speaking out more about tax reform?

The FBI and the DOJ are having some problems with the Trump dossier

Rand Paul’s Wife Destroys The Lying Media’s Narrative


MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Just Threw One Word In Hillary’s Face And Hell Instantly Froze Over

Trump backs Roy Moore in Alabama election

Trump Turns Deep State Upside-Down as Evidence Mounts For CIA Dispersed Pneumonic Plague

Secret Code Is Recording Every Keystroke You Make On More Than 400 Of The Most Popular Websites On The Internet


Boom! Roy Moore Just Got The Best News Of His Life After Dems Tried To Destroy Him

Breaking! The Fusion GPS Bank Records Have Been Unsealed!

Shock: Uber Paid Hackers $100,000 To Delete Stolen Data On 57 Million People And Then Illegally Covered It Up

Goodbye American Dream: The Average U.S. Household Is $137,063 In Debt, And 38.4% Of Millennials Live With Their Parents


Breaking The New York Attorney General Just Launched An Investigation!!

Trump Goes After LaVar Ball Again!

“They Went After The Women Who Came Forward” Former Obama HHS Secretary Exposes The Clinton’s For Attacking The Women Who Accused Bill Clinton Of Sexual Assault

Trump’s Deregulation Drive Stops at the Border


Hate To Say “I Told You So” – You Will Not believe how much Hextra Coin is now

Check Out Who CBS Is Begging To Fill In For Charlie Rose

2nd Largest Gunmaker Nears Default As Americans Buy Fewer Firearms Post-Obama

North Korea on ‘aggressive schedule’ in developing ballistic missile submarine


Right When This CNN Reporter Went Live He Immediately Got Nailed By A Fearless Roy Moore Supporter

Google Braces For Massive Lawsuit After Conservatives Declare Enough Their Evil Censorship

Gun Control Fanatic Says to Ask Thanksgiving Host about Their Guns

When Good People Carry Firearms Gun Homicide Rates Decrease


Right As Trump Pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys, Can’t Resist Stabbing Joke About Obama At The Same Time

Breaking: Rep. John Conyers Caught Paying Off Victims With Taxpayer Money!!

Letter: Making the Flag a Potent Symbol Against Guns

Congress Passes Bill For Sale Of Milsurp 1911 Pistols Through CMP


Hillary Slips And Accidentally Says One Thing On TV She’ll Clearly Regret Once She Realizes It

Heated Debate: Rick Santorum and Chris Cuomo battles it out over Trump’s comments on Roy Moore

The New Discrimination: Normal Need Not Apply

Which Airport Tops List of TSA Seized Firearms?


Mexican Authorities Make Surprising Discovery That Instantly Proves Trump Was Right About The Wall

Just In! FBI Informant Ready To Testify against Hillary Clinton

Florida Church Warns Visitors That Members Are ‘Heavily Armed’

Wisc. kids are now allowed to handle guns


Latino Congressman Denied Membership In Hispanic Caucus — The Reason Why Is Surprising

President Trump Cracks A Thanksgiving Joke But Democrats Are Not Laughing!!

Louisiana Sheriff Offers ‘First Gun Course’ for Kids Ahead of Christmas

Proposed changes to Halton Hills firearms bylaw shot to pieces by local gun owners

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