

Breaking: Trump Devastates Adam Schiff After He Got Caught Leaking to the Press

Gun Sales Skyrocket As Gun Owners Brace For An All-Out Assault On Our Second Amendment Rights

“Never Seen Such A Large Crowd”: Record Numbers Flock To Florida Gun Show After Shooting

Breaking: SCOTUS Refuses To Let Trump Kill DACA. That’s Actually A Political Win For Trump


It’s Official! California Dem Party Refuses To Endorse Her For Re-Election After What She Did!

Breaking: Nunes Hits Schiff Hard With Crushing Blow-by-blow Refutation of Dem Disinfo Memo

Creepy! This New AI System Can See What Your Thinking

Trump’s Statement Just Went Viral and the Media is All Over It!

Public Death Threat Leveled Against NRA Members NRA Responds!


Democrat Scandal: Elected Detroit Judge Collects $140,000 Salary But Never Showed Up For Work!

Democrat Scandal: California Gun Control Senator Yee Heads to Prison: Gun Trafficking

Who Were The FISA Judges Approving The Dossier Warrant?

CPAC straw poll: ?Trump draws 93 percent approval, ?despite frustration among conservatives over tweets


Breaking: Democrat Memo Released, Proves Hillary’s Darkest Secret, It’s All coming Apart!

Day Of Reckoning Ahead—Step One Censorship, Step Two Gun Control, Step Three…Wait Until You Hear It!

Justice Kennedy Takes Aim at Public Sector Unions in Janus Oral Arguments

Culture War Is All That’s Left When Gun Policy Battles Become Pointless


Busted: After Trump-Hater Fakes Earpiece Malfunction Anchor Releases Audio He Didn’t Want Public

Ted Nugent: Mom And Pop America See Through The Fake News Attacks Against 2nd Amendment

5 Things Barack Obama Said in His Weirdly Off-the-Record MIT Speech

Georgia Lt. Gov. To Delta: No NRA Discounts, No Corporate Welfare


CNN’s, Jim Acosta gets Destroyed by White House, Again. Sarah Sanders at her finest.

Naval Intelligence: Apple Is Giving The Chinese Government The Keys To America

Russia Blamed For The Eastern Ghouta Crisis: The West’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

How To Make Money From The Regulation Of Bitcoin


Mad Maxine Waters Just Made a Sick Trump Comparison She Will Never Be Able to Walk Back

David Hogg Decrees: “I Will Not Allow” Parkland Sheriff To Be Blamed For Stand Down

Ohio Democrats Are Going For The Jugular After Florida School Attack

Condoleezza Rice Admits That She Doesn’t Understand 2nd Amendment

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