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Breaking: Georgia Lawmakers Just Passed Major Bill That Has Delta Wishing They Never Left The NRA

Washington Caught By Surprise As President Trump Brings Television Cameras Into White House Policy

North Korea agrees to possible moratorium on nukes

Media Bias Backlash: NRA Memberships Up As MSM Propagandizes For Gun Control


Boom! After Liberal Media Claims White House Is In Chaos Sarah Hits Them In The Face With The Truth

Breaking: FBI Blocks Disclosure On Secret Comey-Obama Meeting – Says America Doesn’t Need to Know

They’re Planning a Statue for Him! Liberals are Going to Lose it!

GOP Rep Just Trolled ‘Lyin’ Adam Schiff with One Epic Legislative Move He Will Be Powerless To Fight

Florida Teacher Accused Of Closing Door On Students Attempting To Flee Shooter


Obama Administration Slammed By Trump – ‘Unprecedented’ Actions, ‘Bigger Than Watergate’

CNN’s Jake Tapper Breaks Through Media Blackout, Covers Louis Farrakhan Controversy

Clinton investigation Bombshell exposed by Fox News (lock her up!)

NRA silences liberal celebs with This powerful message (wow)


Backstabber: Lindsey Graham Just Leaked Israel’s Plans To Defend Itself To The Press – Not Good!

BOMBSHELL: Comey Ally McCabe Authorized Media Leaks, Misled Investigators

Despite conventional wisdom, most evangelical leaders do not think evangelicals should be identified with Trump

Catholic and Protestant churches in Pakistan unite to demand justice for Christians accused of blasphemy


Dems in Panic Mode As Group Files Lawsuit Exposing The Insane Number Of Illegals About To Vote!

United Airlines Proves To America They’re Horrible Hypocrites With The Foolish Move They Just Made

Dems Turn Red Coat, Propose Absurd Taxes on Gun Owners

Study Claims There Is No ‘School Shooting Epidemic’


ICE Director Calls Out Sick Oakland Mayor With 6 Devastating Words She’ll Never Be Able To Wash Off

MSNBC Crank Issues Trump 2020 Warning That Will Make Insane Libs Even Crazier

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei applauds the idea of guns being banned in US

Study shows most Americans blame government mistakes, not guns, for Florida shooting

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