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Ouch! Colin Kaepernick Just Got Ran Over By The Trump Train And This Time He’s Finished

Democratic Candidate Was Just Arrested For Shoplifting! Look Who It Is!

Trump Combines His Worst Ideas Into a Solar-Power Border Wall

Bishops under pressure to act as Hereford Diocese calls for official services for gay couples


Breaking: Trump Just Knocked Chuck Schumer Off High Horse With Brilliant Move On Tax Cuts

Jeff Sessions Just Dropped A Bomb At A Senate Hearing. Is Comey Going To Jail?

Obama, Bush 43 seem to criticize Trump without naming him

Steve Bannon wages war against GOP establishment


Trump Just Privately Dispatched The Grim Reaper To Give Justice Ginsburg Her Final Destination

OMG! Hillary Clinton Will Goover This Tomi Lahren Comment Aimed At Her

Texas City Demands Citizens Pledge Loyalty To A Foreign Country If They Want Hurricane Harvey Relief Money

Trump To Releases JFK Files: Here’s What’s Not Being Said About The Release…


No More Lies: The American People Just Exposed The One Thing Trump Needs To Destroy Crooked Media

Red Alert: Soros Group Openly Calls For A Ban On Conservative News In The United States

Crypto Currency Calm Before The Storm: “Governments Are Studying It To Find The Means To Take Control Of It… And You”

Did John McCain Provide The Infamous ‘Trump Dossier’ To BuzzFeed?


Breaking: CIA Director Just Came Forward And Released Trump’S Explosive Plan To Destroy North Korea

What the GOP could add to tax reform to get Dems on board

Dana Loesch for NRA: American saboteurs will ‘perish in the political flames of their own fires’

Study Claims Network News Exploited Las Vegas To Push Gun Control Agenda

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