Headlines 7/30/19


Crazy Rashida Tlaib Goes On CNN, Makes Jaw-Dropping Claim About Israel

De Blasio Says Trump Won’t Be Welcome In New York City After Presidency

Ben Carson defends Trump amid fallout over Baltimore tweets

GOP candidate on how she plans to unseat AOC in 2020


Deadly Mosquito-Borne Virus That Causes Brain Swelling Found In Florida

GOP candidate on how she plans to unseat AOC in 2020

Antifa has no respect for our laws: Harmeet Dhillon

Critics go after Kamala Harris’ unsteady stance on illegal immigration


Rand Paul DUNKS on Ilhan Omar, Issues the Demand She Dreads

Ben Carson defends Trump amid fallout over Baltimore tweets

Tulsi Gabbard tells Tucker why she is suing Google

Multiple injured in Walmart shooting, suspect shot by police


MUST SEE: How to Survive a Shooting at a Festival

Deadly Mosquito-Borne Virus That Causes Brain Swelling Found In Florida

Ways to Protect Yourself in a Rip Current

Rashida Tlaib Defends Support of BDS Movement.


Trump Drops BOMB On Apple, Denies Request For No Tariffs on Products Made in China

Critics go after Kamala Harris’ unsteady stance on illegal immigration

THIS Is Where the Biggest Risk of Housing Collapse Is! Debt MELTDOWN Will Cause Havoc

Does China really want a trade deal with US?


Crazy Rashida Tlaib Goes On CNN, Makes Jaw-Dropping Claim About Israel

Ben Carson defends Trump amid fallout over Baltimore tweets

GOP candidate on how she plans to unseat AOC in 2020

Watchdog group obtains key Clinton email probe documents


Kamala Harris Contradicts Herself on Illegal Immigration, in Latest Backtrack Since Debate

Resident of Baltimore Agrees With Trump: Cummings ‘Hasn’t Done Anything for Us’

Rashida Tlaib Defends Support of BDS Movement.

Warren says she is ‘open’ to expanding Supreme Court

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