CCD 4/24/17
BUILD IT! What Jeff Sessions Just Said About Building The Wall Put The Fear Of God In Mexico!
London’s fire-fighting bishop: Who was St Mellitus?
US citizen who worked at university with strong Christian links is detained in North Korea
They call themselves ‘nuns’ but they’re nothing to do with the Church – they’re harvesting cannabis…
HUGE MISTAKE: New Democrat Poll Just Destroyed Any Hope The Democrats Had To Stop Trump!
Actor Turns to God After Violent Mugging Left Him Brain Damaged And Unable To Speak
Donald Trump’s Cabinet meets for weekly Bible study with right-wing pastor
Breaking: Trump Administration Hits Wikileaks Founder With Stunning News – Shock Report
Are Trump-supporting evangelicals isolating themselves from the unchurched they want to reach?
Howard Dean Thinks ‘Hate Speech Is Not Protected By the First Amendment.’ It Is, Though.