Headlines 1/10/19


You’ll Be STUNNED When You Learn What This Likely 2020 Dem Presidential Candidate Wants To…

What you need to know about 5G technology

‘Total waste of time’: Trump walks out of shutdown talks with Democrats

What Are The Top Trends For 2019? With Special Guest Gerald Celente


Will the Border Wall Funding Debate Continue until the 2020 Election?

Democrats Communist Agenda On Full Display After SHOCKING Proposal That Will Destroy…

Scientists plant clones of ancient giant redwoods

Does the US need to worry about terrorists crossing the southern border?


New GOP Ad OBLITERATES Open Border Dems With Brutl Truth About illegal Immigration

Will 2019 be a year of cheaper gas for consumers?

Trump still considering national emergency declaration in border wall fight?

Big Tech Censorship


Democrats push narrative that Trump ‘manufactured’ a crisis on border

What Trump gets wrong about America’s drug problem

The Collapse Has Begun! Shocking Video Of The Economic Collapse 2019…

Second dead man found in Democratic donor’s home


Top Democrat Agrees With Trump On Wall – Democrat Opposition Falling Apart

Ocasio-Cortez Blasts Trump over ICE Funding… Days After She Voted To Fund ICE

Guatemalan Attack Shows Need For Awareness | Active Self Protection

President Trump Slams Door On Mueller, No More Questions.


Are Trump’s critics refusing to believe border facts?

Democrats push narrative that Trump ‘manufactured’ a crisis on border

Second dead man found in Democratic donor’s home

AWR Hawkins Destroys Democrat Myth About ‘Silencers’


Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 Filed by Feinstein in the Senate

Top Democrat Agrees With President Donald Trump On Building The Border Wall

President Trump Slams Door On Mueller, No More Questions.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo Stuns Panelists With Vociferous Defense Of The Wall.

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