Headlines 10/1/18


Republicans need to stop appeasing Democrats over Kavanaugh…

Candace Owens applauds Kanye West’s pro-Trump rant on ‘SNL’

10 Most Ridiculous Moments At Airport Security Checkpoints

Devin Nunes: You’re watching the collapse of the US Senate


Ann Coulter Shocks the World and Sparks an Internet Frenzy With One Article…

Candace Owens applauds Kanye West’s pro-Trump rant on ‘SNL’

Kavanaugh confirmation delay used to rally for midterms

Lindsey Graham explains his outrage over Kavanaugh hearing


Candace Owens applauds Kanye West’s pro-Trump rant on ‘SNL’

Trump says Kavanaugh investigation won’t be enough Democrats

Will Washington regulate Google?

Can Shapiro Convert Kasky To Conservatism?


Newt Gingrich: Which America do we want to become?

Trump says Kavanaugh investigation won’t be enough Democrats

Candace Owens applauds Kanye West’s pro-Trump rant on ‘SNL’

Goodwill manager returns $46,000 stuffed in donation item, unbeknownst to owner


Republicans need to stop appeasing Democrats over Kavanaugh…

Canada agrees to new trade deal with US, Mexico

US could soon face a second recession

Breaking Down Elon Musk’s SEC Agreement


Take Back Your Rights This Election Season – With a Barrett .50 Cal Rifle

Newt Gingrich: Which America do we want to become?

White House: New trade deal a great day for North America

Lindsey Graham explains his outrage over Kavanaugh hearing

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