Headlines 10/8/18


Male Feminist LOSES IT And Unleashes A Roundhouse Kick On Pro-Life Woman

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish Electoral College

Taylor Swift gets political

Texas Democrat Just Slapped With Federal Charges – Completely Destroys His 2018 Race


VIDEO: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish Electoral College

Robert Ray on Kavanaugh: The Democrats overplayed their hand

Attempted Trump Assassin CONFESSES – Taken Into CUSTODY!

Hilton to Democrats: Extremism, hate and rage will not win


WATCH: Mike Pence Just LASHED OUT At China, Reveals What They Want To Do To Trump

New bank scam even fooling experts

Charlie Kirk: Taylor Swift should stay away from politics

Robert Ray on Kavanaugh: The Democrats overplayed their hand


Judge Jeanine EVISCERATES Juan Williams For Trying To Criticise Kavanaugh

Trump Signs Law Allowing Authorities To Shoot Down Private Drones Without Warrants

Breaking “Yellowstone Shows Signs Of Danger” Prophetic Times

Sucker Punch At A Bar Is Bad In Every Way | Active Self Protection


MUST SEE: New bank scam even fooling experts

Economy a key factor in midterms?

Sen. Cruz on midterm voters: Anger is a motivator

Trump pro-ethanol measures a win for consumers?


President Trump alleges that anti-Kavanaugh protesters are ‘Paid Professionals’.

Hudson H9 Review: Meme or Magical?

Pennsylvania Bill Looks To Ban LOADED GUNS

Male Feminist LOSES IT And Unleashes A Roundhouse Kick On Pro-Life Woman


Eric Holder and Democrats question the legitimacy of Supreme Court

Sen. Cruz on midterm voters: Anger is a motivator

Charlie Kirk: Taylor Swift should stay away from politics

Why Is There A The Rise In Tribalism?

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