Headlines 3/11-3/13


Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”


Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!


Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears


Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington


Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated


Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims


Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!


Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man


Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses


Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book


SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man


Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools


Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated


Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations


Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”


Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man


Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses


Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!


Election Official: Illegal Votes FLIPPED 2020 Election!

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man


Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears


Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools


Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book


Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims


Biden’s Budget: Big Funding For Federal Gun Crackdown!

Whoopi Goldberg: Tucker Carlson “Recruiting Domestic Terrorists”

Gov. DeSantis exposes leftist lies, debunks ‘book ban’ hoax in Florida schools

Biden Accused Of TREASON! Op-Ed Rocks Washington

FL 2

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

Celebs’ Secrets Exposed! Trump to Publish Private Letters in New Book

Jill Biden’s Primetime Special FLOPS: CNN Humiliated

Biden Gives “Woman Of Courage” Award To Transgender Man

FL 3

SHOCKING: Minnesota Allows Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses

Rep. Boebert and Cori Bush Get HEATED Over White Supremacist Allegations

Kamala Pushes ABSURD Leftist Climate Claims

Biden To Increase “Critical Aid” To Palestinians Despite Terror Fears


Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency


Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis


Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024


You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie


KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!


WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?


SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case


REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!


Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

CCH (6)

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office


Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6


Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!


Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?


SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie


Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis


Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

PMN (6)

Sarah Sanders CRUSHES Liberal Agenda With New School Plan

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

Arkansas DEFEATS Satanic Temple In Landmark Court Case

PMN 2 (6)

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners


You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

Sarah Sanders CRUSHES Liberal Agenda With New School Plan


KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!

REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office


WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?


Sarah Sanders CRUSHES Liberal Agenda With New School Plan

SHAMELESS: WH Spokesperson Pushes LIES About J6

You WON’T BELIEVE What Biden Just Said About Trump’s Presidency

Tucker RIPS Merrick Garland Over Outrageous Lie


REPORT: Nine Boxes of Biden Docs Seized From Attorney’s Office

KJP Caught Teling BOLD Lie To Reporters On Fentanyl Crisis

Morning Joe Goes On INSANE Rant About J6 Prisoners

Joe Manchin Vows to Block Biden’s “Far Left” Nominees!


Ben & Jerry’s BUSTED For Child Labor?

WOW: Top Dem Calls For Obama 2024

Jim Jordan Blasts Dr. Fauci in Fiery Hearing

Former NBA Star Goes OFF On Far-Left Gender Ideology

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