Headlines 4/8-4/10


Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Socialist Wind Sweeps Chicago: Marxist Brandon Johnson Becomes Mayor, Spells Disaster for City


AOC exposed with secret burner account

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!


GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels


Socialist Wind Sweeps Chicago: Marxist Brandon Johnson Becomes Mayor, Spells Disaster for City

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch


Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

AOC exposed with secret burner account

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead


Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional


Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Socialist Wind Sweeps Chicago: Marxist Brandon Johnson Becomes Mayor, Spells Disaster for City

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony


Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!

AOC exposed with secret burner account

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!


China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire


Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!


2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

AOC exposed with secret burner account


Socialist Wind Sweeps Chicago: Marxist Brandon Johnson Becomes Mayor, Spells Disaster for City

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony


Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

AOC exposed with secret burner account

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!


Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional


Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy


AOC exposed with secret burner account

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

Socialist Wind Sweeps Chicago: Marxist Brandon Johnson Becomes Mayor, Spells Disaster for City


GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action


Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead


SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

AOC exposed with secret burner account

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!


China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels


Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony


DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

AOC exposed with secret burner account


SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire


Fearless MTG Ignites NYC with Blistering Pro-Trump Rally, Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy

Dems’ Latest Plot Against Trump: Secret Service Agents Subpoenaed for Testimony

Trump Takes on Corrupt Left with ‘Not Guilty’ Mugshot Merch

Biden’s Mouthpiece Dodges Questions on Trump’s Arrest & Pushes Baseless Narrative Instead

FL 2

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Trump Surges in 2024 Polls as Left-Wing DA’s Outrageous Indictment Backfires!

AOC exposed with secret burner account

DHS and Left-Wing Allies Caught Red-Handed In Plot To Censor Conservatives Online!

FL 3

2nd Amendment Wins: Judge Rules Handgun Act Unconstitutional

China’s Trojan Horse Threat to American Ports Revealed: GOP Demands Action

Trump Scores HUGE Court Victory Against Stormy Daniels

GOP Influencer Convicted For Mocking Democrats – First Amendment Under Fire


Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case


Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA


Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea


Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment


Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center


Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea


EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case


Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis


Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea

Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

CCH (6)

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment


Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?


Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis


Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea


Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case


Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo


Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

SHOCKING: Unlocked Biden Boxes Found at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Penn Biden Center

Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

PMN (6)

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees


EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case


Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA


China Sends Aircraft Carrier to Threaten US Interests In Taiwan

Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’


Bombshell! Biden-linked Digital Persuasion Director presides over Trump case

Marjorie Taylor Greene Finds Interesting Comparison to Trump’s Indictment

EXPOSED: Chief of Staff for Manhattan DA Caught Hating on Trump – is Justice Being Compromised?

Trump’s support skyrockets post-indictment, DeSantis left in the dust


Republican Senator Joins Trump Train for 2024 Bid, Calls Out Soros-Backed DA

Manchin Teases Run for President in 2024, Leaves Both Parties in Limbo

Nikki Haley Unveils Bold Plan to Slash IRS and Fix Border Crisis

Ted Cruz Makes EPIC Prediction On DHS Secretary’s Future


Lib Media Fawns Over AOC As She Eyes ‘Higher Office’

Hollywood Icon SHOCKS World With Pro-Trump Plea

China Sends Aircraft Carrier to Threaten US Interests In Taiwan

Billionaire donor busted: Swiss tycoon secretly funds Democrat candidates and committees

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