Headlines 12/28-12/30


Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy


Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation


Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall


Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate

SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation


Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption


REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall


Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate


D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption


Tucker Carlson Speaks On His 2024 Pick For President

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve


Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall


LOL: WaPo Finally Reaches A Realization About Covid

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate


BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption


Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate


Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”


REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation


LOL: WaPo Finally Reaches A Realization About Covid

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy


Arizona’s Makeshift Border Wall Ordered To Be Dismantled In Biden Lawsuit

Kim Jong-Un’s Sister THREATENS America With ICBM

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall


SHOCKING: Military Told To Be More ‘Gender Inclusive’ With Insane New Rule

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate

D.C. Working To DISBAR Rudy Giuliani For Defending Trump

Omnibus Bill Gives $575M For “Family Planning” To Curb Overpopulation


White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

Kamala Harris Received Busloads Of Migrants On Christmas Eve

Top GOP Leaders PROMISE Investigations After Twitter Files Expose Corruption

BOOM! Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Key Trump Immigration Policy

FL 2

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Biden Forces Arizona Gov. To Take Down His Border Wall

REPORT: Twitter Employees Gave MASSIVE Donations To Democrats In 2022

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

FL 3

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Telemedicine Abortions’ Now Being Offered By Planned Parenthood Affiliate


Arizona’s Makeshift Border Wall Ordered To Be Dismantled In Biden Lawsuit

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith


House Passes “The Trump Rule”: Annual Presidential Audits

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened


WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid


Tucker Carlson Speaks On His 2024 Pick For President

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..


Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith


FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened


Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith


Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened


WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

CCH (6)

Why The Republican Party MUST Support Mailed Ballots

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

CCH 2 (6)

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened


Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”


Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid


2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”


Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

PMN (6)

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent


Why The Republican Party MUST Support Mailed Ballots

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..


New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened


Biden Funds AI Research To “Censor Microaggressions”

Congress CAVES To J6 Committee With New Electoral Count Bill

2023 School Districts Are Eliminating “Gender Identity” and “Sexual Orientation”

White House Tells Border Agents To Keep Quiet, Or Else..


New Survey Shows Americans Are Rapidly Losing Their Faith

Shocking New Poll Gives Biden A Reality Check

Biden’s COVID Vax Mandate BLOCKED By Appeals Court

WATCH: This Might Be One Of Hillary Clinton’s Cringiest Moments


FBI Labels You A Conspiracy Theorist For Reading The Twitter Files

Book Reveals Biden’s Border F-bombs as Southern Crisis Deepened

Tucker HAMMERS Congress & Biden On Ukraine Aid

Trans Child Predator CAUGHT Red Handed By Undercover FBI Agent

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