Headlines 1/13-1/14


Why are more liberals voting for the GOP?

ATF Caught Fibbing! SHOCKER!!

Can Biden’s sinking popularity open the door for Hillary Clinton 2.0 in 2024?

How did Biden get himself in this predicament?


Chris Christie Calls Out Biden

How Biden Gun Control Regulations Can Be Bypassed By 3D Printing

2022 will be far worse than 2021

THIS bill is unconstitutional


New Poll Shows How Much More Americans Love Trump Than Biden

THESE 3 Things Will Happen in 2022

The Democrat’s Secret Assault on America

Why Were These Warnings Ignored?


Pelosi Just Gave Biden An Extended Due Date for His Most Important Speech

Mike Pompeo Sudden Loss Of This Has People Speculating A Presidential Run

Surgeon General Just Revealed REAL Problem Behind Testing

Great Reset poll results reveal ‘DISTURBING’ results


Biden Just Got the Worst News About Jobs

Teacher Vaccinates Kid WITHOUT Parent’s Permission

Ousting the RINOs in 2022 once and for all

The Most Masculine Thing You Can Do Is Give Birth?!?


Biden and Pelosi Really Hope What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Angry Mayor Just Accused Her City’s Teachers of Being Criminals

Look What AOC Caught After Getting BUSTED Without It

Big Question: What Is CDC Director Hiding Regarding Deaths?


Teacher Vaccinates Kid WITHOUT Parent’s Permission

The Democrat’s Secret Assault on America

Pelosi makes millions on stocks, lawmakers demand action

Ousting the RINOs in 2022 once and for all


Big Question: What Is CDC Director Hiding Regarding Deaths?

Can low-polling Biden energize his base ahead of the 2022 midterms?

Taliban orders store owners to behead mannequins

Mike Pompeo Sudden Loss Of This Has People Speculating A Presidential Run


The Most Masculine Thing You Can Do Is Give Birth?!?

Biden Administration Tries To Slander Gov. Desantis & Epically Fails

Peter Doocy debunks Biden’s COVID testing claim

American Airlines pilot called out for “Let’s Go Brandon” sign on luggage


Biden Administration Accused Of Breaking Equity Pledge

How long will Big Tech selloff last?

Enraged Mexico demands arrest of US gun traffickers

This has Democrats ‘shaking in their boots’


The #1 Extreme CONTRARIAN Bet For 2022

Liberals aren’t held to the same standard as conservatives

President Biden’s approval ratings takes a plunge

Republican Senator Dissolves Retirement Rumors


Rand Paul Turns Fauci Into a FLAMING HOT MESS By Exposing His COVID-19 Lies

Why tension in KAZAKHSTAN spells trouble for Joe Biden

Ousting the RINOs in 2022 once and for all

Biden Administration Accused Of Breaking Equity Pledge


Will The FAA Delay The 5G Revolution?

They Got Caught

OOPSIE! Look What AOC Caught After Getting BUSTED Without It in Florida

What Is CDC Director Hiding Regarding Deaths?


How Biden Gun Control Regulations Can Be Bypassed By 3D Printing

“Triple Vaxxed” People Still Get Coronavirus During “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

The #1 Extreme CONTRARIAN Bet For 2022

Enraged Mexico demands arrest of US gun traffickers


Biden Just Got the Worst News About Jobs

Biden Administration Accused Of Breaking Equity Pledge

Teacher Vaccinates Kid WITHOUT Parent’s Permission

Angry Mayor Just Accused Her City’s Teachers of Being Criminals


What Biden Said Will Shock And Scare Americans

What does BLM have to do with selling groceries?

Rand Paul Turns Fauci Into a FLAMING HOT MESS By Exposing His COVID-19 Lies

Why This is A Once A Generation Event


Fauci CRUMBLES When He’s Asked Directly About Gain of Function Research

Gingrich: Democrats are out of touch with reality

“Triple Vaxxed” People Still Get Coronavirus During “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

The #1 Extreme CONTRARIAN Bet For 2022


Military Training Goes WOKE

Flip-Flop Fauci caught red handed

What is the Senate filibuster?

Assassination Retaliation? Iran Threatens Violence Against Trump Officials

When ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Turn Out to Be True

Why voting rights groups boycotted Biden’s visit


Biden STILL Has Dementia! ‘Voting Rights’ Claims DEBUNKED

Ted Cruz STUNS When He Presses FBI On Participating In January 6

AOC Thinks Republicans Want to Date Her??

Mass Formation Psychosis Is Real And We’re All Living Through It

Rand Paul Turns Fauci Into a FLAMING HOT MESS By Exposing His COVID-19 Lies

The Most Masculine Thing You Can Do Is Give Birth?!?


Can Biden’s sinking popularity open the door for Hillary Clinton 2.0 in 2024?

ATF Caught Fibbing! SHOCKER!!

Pelosi Compares GOP Efforts To Stop Federal Takeover Of Elections to Insurrection

Everyone Should Want to Abolish the Fed


Joe Biden Still Hated As His Approval Numbers Drop To This New Low.

THIS is why the far-left STIFLES all your questions against them

CNN Host Continues to Lie To Viewers About Conservatives

Joe Biden Again Refers to Kamala as “President Harris”


Supreme Court Justice Tells A Whopper That White House Didn’t Deny

Fauci’s PATHETIC Dodging: No Wonder So Many Want Him Fired

What is the Senate filibuster?

Biden Makes History With Worst Jobs Report Of His Presidency


Biden Makes History With Worst Jobs Report Of His Presidency

The Great Resignation and the Antiwork Movement Is Taking Over

Supreme Court Justice Tells A Whopper That White House Didn’t Deny

Fauci’s PATHETIC Dodging: No Wonder So Many Want Him Fired

Pelosi STUNNED By Celebrity Tucker Carlson Compared Her To

CNN Host Continues to Lie To Viewers About Conservatives


Chris Christie Calls Out Biden

How Biden Gun Control Regulations Can Be Bypassed By 3D Printing

2022 will be far worse than 2021

THIS bill is unconstitutional


Why are more liberals voting for the GOP?

ATF Caught Fibbing! SHOCKER!!

Can Biden’s sinking popularity open the door for Hillary Clinton 2.0 in 2024?

How did Biden get himself in this predicament?


Pelosi Just Gave Biden An Extended Due Date for His Most Important Speech

Mike Pompeo Sudden Loss Of This Has People Speculating A Presidential Run

Florida Surgeon General Just Revealed REAL Problem Behind Testing

Great Reset poll results reveal ‘DISTURBING’ results


New Poll Shows How Much More Americans Love Trump Than Biden

THESE 3 Things Will Happen in 2022

The Democrat’s Secret Assault on America

Why Were These Warnings Ignored?

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