Headlines 12/8-12/9


WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

Chinese Hackers STOLE Over $20 Million In US COVID Funds


House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House


Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup


House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

Chinese Hackers STOLE Over $20 Million In US COVID Funds


AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup


Chinese Hackers STOLE Over $20 Million In US COVID Funds

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis


Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis


NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

Chinese Hackers STOLE Over $20 Million In US COVID Funds


Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon


AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution


WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

AVP (No Feed)

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

AVP2 (No Feed)

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis


Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon


WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Cancel Mob Comes After New Netflix Hit For ‘Racist’ Casting


Senate Tries To Force Through Pro-Immigration Bill Before GOP Take Over The House

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

FL 2

Trump Calls For 2020 Re-Do After Twitter Files Expose MASSIVE Election Meddling

AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

WATCH: CNN Plays Defense For Biden Crime Family In Absurd Segment on Laptop Coverup

Trump Clarifies His Recent Comments On The Constitution


Trump Calls For 2020 Re-Do After Twitter Files Expose MASSIVE Election Meddling

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’


House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE


AZ Certifies Highly Questionable Midterm Election Results

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’


LOL: Mike Pence Desperately Tries To Claim Loyalty To Donald Trump Now

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE


Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’


Will Biden’s DHS Criminalize Political Dissent?

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

CCH (6)

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE


Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’


WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm


EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie


BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

WATCH: New SCOTUS Judge Turns Religious Liberty Case Into Racial Argument

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

PMN (6)

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

PPG (No feed)

REPORT: American CEOs Have GRIM Economic Expectations

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

PPG2 (No feed)

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

PNN (No feed)

REPORT: American CEOs Have GRIM Economic Expectations

Fox News FIRES Lara Trump From Network

NIKE Officially Drop High Profile NBA Player Over Anti-Semitic Movie

EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Dir. Claims Children Are ‘Sexual Beings’

PNN2 (No feed)

BREAKING: Gavin Newsom Gave COVID Vax Records To Private Firm

Wuhan Lab Scientist Claims COVID-19 Was MAN-MADE

House GOP Launch Investigation Into Biden Energy Crisis

REPORT: Border States Brace For FLOOD Of Illegal Immigrants Coming Soon

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