Headlines 2/19/19


Angel Mom Looks Jim Acosta DEAD In The Eyes & Responds With Answer He Didn’t Want To Hear

Bernie Sanders targets Amazon in 2020 campaign announcement

NYC issues guidelines on ‘hair-based’ discrimination

16 states suing Trump over border ‘emergency’


Pelosi EMBARRASSES Herself Once Again, But In Very Odd Way

First Republican Primary Challenger Chooses To Step Up And Take On Trump

Grand Canyon Museum Exposed Tourists to Radiation for YEARS, Says Whistleblower

Angel Mom Looks Jim Acosta DEAD In The Eyes & Responds With Answer He Didn’t Want To Hear


AOC Is Caught In ANOTHER MAJOR Lie, But This Time It’s Personal

MSM Spins GOP Reaction To Smollett Story

16 states sue Trump administration over national emergency declaration

Celebrating Victimhood Hurts Real Victims


“Unclassified Reports Of Deep Impacts Coming”

16 states suing Trump over border ‘emergency’

NYC issues guidelines on ‘hair-based’ discrimination

Shapiro on the media’s coverage of Jussie Smollett case


Breaking: Skies Are Exploding! Meteorite Over Mayotte! UFO Over Australia!

Woman Who Joined ISIS Wants to Leave

Jussie Smollett Stands By Attack Story

How Did El Chapo Escape Prison?


Anti-Trump Activist: The Wall Is a Sign of White Nationalism

Chicago police want to re-interview Jussie Smollett

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez taken to task by fellow progressives

Nathan Phillips Runs Away From Question on Covington Students


Pelosi EMBARRASSES Herself Once Again, But In Very Odd Way

First Republican Primary Challenger Chooses To Step Up And Take On Trump

Shapiro on the media’s coverage of Jussie Smollett case

Trump denies he asked Whitaker to obstruct Cohen probe

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