Headlines 3/17/20


Will Hillary Clinton face charges for private email server, Benghazi?

Pete King to GOP & Dems: Stop politicizing the virus

Senate can’t vote until House re-approves the coronavirus bill

Dr. Fauci: Phase one coronavirus vaccine trial started today


NY Governor PRAISES Trump Administration for This Amazing Move

How Coronavirus Became a Global Pandemic

China ‘ratcheting up threats’ to cut off US drug supply

Ohio leaders in disarray as coronavirus fears spark primary voting delay


This Video of an MSNBC Segment Sums Up Why the Network is FAKE News

BUSTED! Biden Campaign SLAMMED For Anti-Trump LIES In New Ad

Steve Forbes weighs in on coronavirus crisis, endorses a payroll tax

Sen. Scott defends Florida’s decision to proceed with primary


NY Governor PRAISES Trump Administration for This Amazing Move

How Coronavirus Became a Global Pandemic

China ‘ratcheting up threats’ to cut off US drug supply

Ohio leaders in disarray as coronavirus fears spark primary voting delay


Ben Shapiro: UK vs US Reaction to Coronavirus

Coronavirus Symptoms vs Flu/Common Cold – When to get Tested

Dr. Fauci: Phase one coronavirus vaccine trial started today

Chad Wolf: Other countries following US lead with travel restrictions


BUSTED! Biden Campaign SLAMMED For Anti-Trump LIES In New Ad

Rubio: If we shutdown airlines, we’re going to have a different country

This Video of an MSNBC Segment Sums Up Why the Network is FAKE News

China ‘ratcheting up threats’ to cut off US drug supply: Report

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