Headlines 3/26/2018


Orange County cities want out of California sanctuary law

Facebook’s problems not over?

“You Cant Be Muslim And Feminist At The Same Time” – Ayaan Hirsi Ali vs Cnn

Trump’s Lead Lawyer Just Stabbed Him In The Back With Unexpected Move In Mueller Probe


MSNBC Says Expect Your Gun Rights To Be Taken

Busted! March For Our Lives Protesters Being Bussed In

Protestors Block Infowars From Having Free Speech

Democrats Use Nazi Style Propaganda To Brainwash The Youth


Bolton Comes In Guns Blazing! He Just Put Dozens Of Obama Loyalists On The Chopping Block!

California Democrat Predicts Widespread Civil Unrest

Judge Jeanine Unloads On Paul Ryan And Mitch Mcconnell!

Trump Says Getting Along With Russia Is A Good Thing


NBC: Not Banning Guns is a Human Rights Violation

Judge Jeanine: You Republicans have screwed up royally

Should the military help build the border wall?

The Truth About March for Our Lives


Here’s Who Really Organized March For Gun Control And It Wasn’t Parkland Students

Stormy Daniels breaks silence on alleged Trump affair

Pakistan’s ‘brick kiln murder’: 20 men acquitted of torturing and killing Christian couple

Anti Gun Activist David Hogg Refuses to Debate Pro Gun Parkland Student


DOJ And FBI Just Issued Huge Alert!

Rumors Of War: China And India Massing Military Build-Up Along Border

Stormy Daniels Says She Was Threatened to Keep Quiet About Alleged Trump Affair

This School Wants to Arm Students With Buckets of Rocks


Spending bill putting GOP at risk in midterms?

China Launches Massive Military Drills In “Preparation for War”

Current market volatility good for investors?

Experts Break Down the Self-Driving Uber Crash


Watch: Parkland Kid Caught Backstage Making Vile Admission…..

School suspends students for gun-range photo: ‘Since when can schools control what you do at home?’

Hollywood Support For Gun Control Backfires

Trump Fires Powerful Soros Linked Globalist

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