Headlines 5/20/19


Liberal Feminist Charges, Physically Assaults Alabama Pro-Life Protester

MSNBC Anchor BOTCHES New Poll Between The 2020 Dems And Trump

Oil prices spike with rising Iran tensions

Buttigieg calls Trump’s presidency a ‘hostile takeover’


US diplomats ordered to leave Iraq amid Iran tensions

5G health fears exist but NYT & WSJ blame them on RT

‘The Five’ on Mark Cuban open to running against Trump

China calls for ‘people’s war’ on US


MSNBC Anchor BOTCHES New Poll Between The 2020 Dems And Trump

GOP Rep. under fire from Republicans over call to impeach Trump

Liberal Feminist Charges, Physically Assaults Alabama Pro-Life Protester

Media slam Barr’s probe of FBI as partisan move


You’ve Been Warned: Widespread US Face Surveillance Is Imminent Reality, Warns Report

Rapid DNA-Testing Reveals Third of Migrants Lying About Family Relationship to Children

Rapid DNA-Testing Reveals Third of Migrants Lying About Family Relationship to Children

MAS 49: A Universal Service Rifle


MSNBC Anchor BOTCHES New Poll Between The 2020 Dems And Trump

GOP Rep. under fire from Republicans over call to impeach Trump

Liberal Feminist Charges, Physically Assaults Alabama Pro-Life Protester

AOC Turns Into Stuttering Mess When Trying To Excite Crowd With Far-Left Ideas


Liberal Feminist Charges, Physically Assaults Alabama Pro-Life Protester

Buttigieg calls Trump’s presidency a ‘hostile takeover’

MSNBC Anchor BOTCHES New Poll Between The 2020 Dems And Trump

GOP Rep. under fire from Republicans over call to impeach Trump

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