Headlines 8/18 and 8/19


CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump Unloads On Kamala Harris

Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

Two families united through vital organ donation

LSU Coach Praises Trump on FOX News then Issues Demand


Kamala Harris Considers Allowing Boston Marathon Bomber To Vote

NJ Gov pressed on decision to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters

Trump: Dems ‘Want a Trillion Dollars to Bail Out Badly-Run States’

Barr Announces Huge Operation to Ensure ALL Americans are Safe


Trump Hints More Countries Willing to Make Peace Deals With Israel

CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump Unloads On Kamala Harris

Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

NJ Gov pressed on decision to send mail-in ballots to all registered voters


DeBlasio CANCELS Historic Event and Americans Erupt With Anger

Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand

Kamala Harris Considers Allowing Boston Marathon Bomber To Vote


Barr Announces HUGE Operation to Ensure All Americans are Safe 

Two families united through vital organ donation

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand

CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump Unloads On Kamala Harris


LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand

Two families united through vital organ donation

CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump UNLOADS On Kamala Harris

Violence erupts in 3 major cities


 Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

DeBlasio CANCELS Historic Event and Americans Erupts With Anger

BLM Gets The BOOT After Illinois Residents Say ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

Barr Announces HUGE Operation to Ensure All Americans are Safe


Biden and Harris Call for EVERYONE in AMERICA To Do One Thing

Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

Trump: Dems ‘Want a Trillion Dollars to Bail Out Badly-Run States’

Trump the Peacemaker Hints More Countries Willing to Make Peace Deals


DeBlasio CANCELS Historic Event and Americans Erupt With Anger

Steve Hilton: What exactly does Kamala Harris stand for?

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand

Barr Announces HUGE Operation to Ensure All Americans are Safe


DeBlasio CANCELS Historic Event Americans Erupt With Anger

CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump UNLOADS On Kamala Harris

Trump the Peacemaker Hints More Countries Willing to Make Peace Deals

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand


Democrats ‘Want a Trillion Dollars to Bail Out Badly-Run States’

Steve Hilton: What exactly does Kamala Harris stand for?

Donald Trump: ‘I Consider Firing Everybody’ in My Cabinet

Tokyo Olympics may not go ahead in 2021, researcher warns


Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

Biden and Harris Call for a EVERYONE in AMERICA To Do One Thing

Violence erupts in 3 major cities

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand


DeBlasio CANCELS Historic Event Americans Erupt With Anger

CNN Host Gets TRIGGERED After Trump UNLOADS On Kamala Harris

Trump the Peacemaker Hints More Countries Willing to Make Peace Deals

Steve Hilton: What exactly does Kamala Harris stand for?


Hollywood Star Flaunts Her Daughter’s ‘Superhero’ Kamala Harris Doll

Biden and Harris Call for a EVERYONE in AMERICA To Do One Thing

Violence erupts in 3 major cities

LSU Coach PRAISES Trump on FOX News then Issues His Demand

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