Headlines 3/16-3/17


Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?


Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents


Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans


Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist


“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!


WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda


Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?


Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous


Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says


Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?


Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

AVP (No Feed)

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

AVP2 (No Feed)

Dem Governor Admits Her COVID Lockdowns Were Ridiculous

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist


Dems: TikTok “Valuable” Political Weapon, Defend Chinese Ownership

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!


WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says


“Tiny D”? Trump Weighs In on DeSantis’ 2024 Plans

Biden: 40% of Presidency Spent on Vacation?

Trump Sends FIERCE Warning To The Deep State!

Dems: TikTok “Valuable” Political Weapon, Defend Chinese Ownership

FL 2

Ted Cruz: Stanford Law “Training Activists” to Push Left-Wing Agenda

WATCH: Drew Barrymore WORSHIPS Trans Activist

Liberal City Accepts $5M Reparation Payments For Black Residents

Non-Religious More Prone to Mental Illness, Data Says


Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US


GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis


Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments


Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse


Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments


Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

CCH (6)

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US


DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”


Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse


DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education


GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

PMN (6)

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

PPG (No feed)

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

PPG2 (No feed)

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

PNN (No feed)

Trump’s Campaign Promise: Completely Cut CRT Education

Chaos Erupts At Border As Thousands Of Immigrants Storm US

DeSantis GOES OFF On Biden Over “Sinful” Comments

Trump Roasts Swalwell: “He Fell Hard For Chinese Spy”

PNN2 (No feed)

WOW: Libs Blame Trump For Bank Collapse

Biden Admin Sues Rite Aid: Accused Of “Fueling” Opioid Crisis

Antifa Thugs Terrorize Charlie Kirk University Event

GOP Future SHINES With 2024 Senate Map

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