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Breaking: Real Reason GOP Congressman Franks Resigned Revealed…it’s Bizarre

Why Is Obama Tailing Trump? Intel Officer Tells All

Donald Trump’s evangelical support plunges 17 points in 10 months

More on NYC Bombing Attempt, Transgender Troops May Enlist Soon, Russia Starts Pulling Out of Syria: P.M. Links


Trey Gowdy Gets Asked If Don Jr. Did Anything Illegal, His Answer Immediately Shuts Every Hater Down

Globalist Shill Dina Powell Leaves NSC In Disgrace

CA wildfires larger than Boston and NY combined have destroyed 1,000 structures

ISIS warns NY Attack linked to recognition of Israel, Makes Threat To Times Square


Boom! Tucker Carlson Just Ripped The Mask Off Another Mueller Official, Trump Is Going To Love It!

Study Claims Guns Sales Spurred By Sandy Hook Resulted In 60 Accidental Deaths

Davos Insider: Trump Will Strike North Korea With EMP Weapons

Man Arrested For Stealing Guns From UPS Facility


Breaking: Liberals Petrified As Their Favorite Organization Gets Bad News From The DOJ

Watch Steve Bannon Drop A Nuclear Bomb On Mitt Romney’s Head After Romney Attacks Moore

The FBI Director Refusing To Answer Questions About Anti-Trump FBI Agent(VIDEO)!!!

‘Rocket Man’ Furious After His Plans For Trump Just Got Foiled By The U.S. Military’s Secret Weapon

BREAKING Another Clinton Lackey Exposed on Team Mueller


Boom! Dirty Cop Mueller Gets Crushing Notice From Attorney On Live TV About His House Of Cards

Following Trump’s Historic Speech, Sarah Sanders Breaks The News About Trump’s Health To The Press

North Korea rocked by earthquakes after nuclear blast amid fears more tests are on the way

Central Banks Are Ready To Fight To The End To Protect Their Economic System

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