

Trump’s UN Bulldog Just Set The Record Straight After Unhinged Diplomat Strikes U.S.

Breaking: Federal Judge Blocks Another Trump Admin Rule

Theresa May: UK should be proud of Christian heritage and religious freedom

Bittersweet Christmas for Iraq’s Christians after Islamic State defeat


Boom! Trump Just Got Amazing News From Apple CEO After Trump Tax Triggers More Winning!

ANTIFA agitator, failing to look both ways before bolting across street

Russia and China Lay Economic Foundation Based on Golden Rule

Trump Told His Wealthy Mar-a-Lago Pals “You All Just Got a Lot Richer” Thanks to GOP Tax Plan


Andrew McCabe Could Be Heading To Jail! Sessions Just Received The Lettter!

Trump Just Walked Up To This Wounded Veteran And Surprised Him With The INCREDIBLE

Bank Threatening To Close Accounts If Customers Buy Cryptocurrencies

US Ambassador Calls Own 2015 Statement “Fake News”; Things Then Rapidly Go South


This Obama Appointed Judge Just Ruled In Favor of a U.S Traitor to ISIS!

VP Mike Pence Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan to Visit US Troops

Man Who Stole 14 Guns, Wrote Anti-Government Manifesto To President Trump Sentenced

Liberal Website says Nation was ‘Founded On’ Gun Control


Trump Stops Meeting For Prayer, Then Shocks Every Journalist in the Room with what he does Next

CBS Asks Three Families Who Believe GOPTaxScam For Their Tax Returns And Then This Happened

‘He Doesn’t Make Any Sense’ Ben Shapiro Educates Jimmy Kimmel On Net Neutrality

HuffPo Writer Tries To Bait Black Senator, Gets Burned So Bad He Deletes Tweet

Fox News Hit With Another Top Contributor Stepping Down After O’Reilly

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