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Breaking: It’s Not Over Yet! Trump Campaign Official Is About Cut A Deal With Robert Mueller!

Pelosi Publicly Shamed in this New GOP bill she’s going to absolutely Hate

Facebook Ad VP: Mainstream Media Ignoring Facts About Russian Ad Spending For Election

Nikolas Cruz to Plead Guilty for Mass Shooting, Will He Avoid Death Penalty?


Breaking: DC Rocked: Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Trolls Of 2016 Not Trump

The Media Has Been Exposed Falsely Blaming Trump For Causing The Florida Shooting!

FBI Indicts Russians For Protesting Against Trump

The Gun Control Debate: Left VS Right. Which Side Are You On?

Breaking: Jeff Sessions Is Going After The FBI!!


Breaking: FBI Already Knew Nikolas Cruz Was ‘Going To Be A Professional School Shooter’

Trump: Mueller Indictment Shows “Campaign Did Nothing Wrong. No Collusion!”

CNN’s Blitzer Harasses Gov. Scott for Gun Control Despite Promise ‘Everything’s on the Table’

Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann has pushed the prosecutorial envelope before


Breaking: Obama Administration Linked To Russians Indicted By Mueller!

Google Leftists Caught Trying To End Another Conservative News Outlet

Here’s the Time the EPA Used Duct Tape to Redact a FOIA Request

Mitt Romney Now Wants to Make Being Welcoming on Immigration a Key Part of His Campaign


DNC Refused To Comply With Dossier-Related Subpoena, they got hit with some Really Bad News

Hillary Clinton Outspent The Russians 53-1… And Still Lost!

New Details Emerge About Suspicious Letter That Sent Donald Trump Jr.’s Wife To The Hospital

Death threats, harassment, and security concerns continue to raise questions about security for Scott Pruitt’s travel


Seconds After Elizabeth Warren Surprises At Native American Summit, This 7 Second Video Crushes Her

Everything Media Accuse Trump of Doing with Russia, Obama Actually Did

As Bitcoin Nears $11,000, Here’s A History Of Its Biggest Ups And Downs

“He Has Her Blood On His Hands”: Anti-Gun Liberals Viciously Attack Father Of Florida Shooting Victim For Supporting Donald Trump

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