5/16 ppn

It’s not a drug.

It doesn’t have any side effects.

Yet, take just one spoonful, three times a day and…

Harvard Medical School reports it “induces the death of metastasizing (cancer) cells.”

Duke University says its “critical for maintaining muscle and heart function.”

Johns Hopkins finds “brain neurons [become] resistant to the kind of damage associated with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even stroke.”

In thousands of clinical studies…

Researchers have documented its ability to work better for reversing disease — cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, inflammation, fatigue, obesity, you name it — than ANY drug currently available.

Even better…

Anyone can afford it.

The cost?

One spoonful is just 63 cents.

In other words, it’s Big Pharma’s worst nightmare! A side-effect free cure for all disease that works better than their best drugs… yet… costs less than a cup of coffee.

But you must act quickly.

As you can expect, in an effort to protect fat drug profit margins… Big Pharma is waging a full-out war to keep this information off the public radar.

And I fully expect this message to be removed from the Internet in the next 24 hours.

So please listen to this TRUE story while you still can.

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