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Hammer Time! Watch Sarah Sanders Go Nuclear On Jim Acosta Sending Him Scurrying Like A Cockroach!

Media loses in battle vs. Trump: Fmr. White House press secretary

Alabama’s evangelicals: 4 reasons why they back Roy Moore

A U.S. Citizen Suspected of Joining ISIS Has Been Held for Months Without Charges or a Lawyer


Trump Just Humiliated Obama When Everyone Looked At The Numbers That Became Public

Explosion! Bitcoin Chain Reaction Just Made Billionaires Overnight

DOJ escalates fight over transgenders in Armed Forces

Obamacare’s Medical Standards Are Harming Our Medical System


Plot Thickens! What Just Came Out About That Demoted DOJ Official’s Wife Changes Everything

Boom! After CNN’s Acosta Went Nuts On Trump Sarah Sanders Dropped The Ultimate Threat To The Network

TRUMP: Democrats Using Fabricated Stories from Women After Failed Russia Collusion Case

Michael Snyder And Other Pro-Trump Candidates For Congress Are Freaking The Establishment Out


Breaking: Big Guns Coming Out After FBI’s McCabe Ditches Out On His Testimony – This Is Huge!

Former CIA Director Admits Russia-Gate Is Fake As Democrats Make False Allegations Against Trump

Warning About New Gun Bill: “Even People With Unpaid Traffic Tickets Could Be Banned From Owning Guns”

The Deep State Has A ‘Christmas Present’ For Every American—Wait Until You Hear What It Is…


CNN Elitist Makes Desperate Call To America, Instantly Everyone Laughed In His Face

Putin Orders Withdrawal of Troops During Surprise Syrian Visit

Cryptocurrency Chaos: Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum All Keep Surging To New Record Highs With No End In Sight

Ex-Spy Chief Admits Role In ‘Deep State’ Intelligence War On Trump


Bernie Sanders Does The Unthinkable To Shamed Dems Menendez And Franken

New York Times Writes Hit Piece On Trump, Accidentally Makes Him Look Badass

If Disqualified Gun Buyers Aren’t Dangerous, Maybe They Shouldn’t Be Disqualified

Gun Control Advocates Try New Tactic That Will Yield Same Old Result


Out Of Left Field Piers Morgan Admits Shocking Truth About Trump And The Media

Judge Jeanine Interrupts Show With Direct Message About FBI – People Need To Be ‘Taken Out In Cuffs’

‘You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!!’ Hannity Presents the ‘Anatomy of Fake News’

‘The Voice of Conservative Millennials’ Ben Shapiro is Fox’s Power Player of the Week!

‘John Who??’ Sheriff Clarke Triggers Eboni Williams In Heated John Lewis Debate

Trump attacks Kirsten Gillibrand over Twitter

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