Headlines 10/16/18


VIDEO: Why Democrats are getting nervous before the midterms

Hillary Clinton says that Bill’s affair wasn’t an abuse of power

Sen. Elizabeth Warren put identity politics back in the spotlight

Millennials reportedly view homeownership as more important than marriage


Watch As President Trump Hilariously Informs CBS Correspondent Just Who’s The Boss

Sen. Elizabeth Warren put identity politics back in the spotlight

US no longer dependent on Saudi for oil?

Hillary Clinton says that Bill’s affair wasn’t an abuse of power


VIDEO: Trump demands Warren apologize for Cherokee ancestry ‘fraud’

Melania Trump depicted as stripper in rap music video

Lindsey Graham talks immigration, midterms, Warren DNA test

Leftese Dictionary: J is for Jihad


WATCH: Is Your Phone Spying On You?

Being Aware Can Save You Lots of Trouble | Active Self Protection

The Best Way to Train Deadly ‘Street’ Techniques in the Martial Arts

The Iconic American WW2 Thompson: the M1A1


Watch As President Trump Hilariously Informs CBS Correspondent Just Who’s The Boss

Bullets with AWR Hawkins: We’re Endowed With Rights by Our Creator, Not Our Government

Sen. Elizabeth Warren put identity politics back in the spotlight

Can WWE help promote change in Saudi Arabia?


VIDEO: Why Democrats are getting nervous before the midterms

Sen. Elizabeth Warren put identity politics back in the spotlight

Hillary Clinton says that Bill’s affair wasn’t an abuse of power

Did Trump’s negotiating tactics help in the release of pastor Andrew Brunson?

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