Headlines 4/14/2018


Is Paul Ryan Going To Run For President?

US Banks Join Gun Control Push

No One Knows Who Gassed Syrians

Nigel Farage Exposes Plan To Destroy Christianity


California governor agrees to deploy National Guard to border?

Trump-Loving Pastor Just Issued Urgent Order To Every American Adult

Joy Behar Suggests There’s No Difference Between Trump and Kim Jong Un(VIDEO)!!!

Last-minute tax tips


Breaking: DOJ Folds, Surrenders Game Changing Document Related To Russia Probe

Tucker Carlson: Left’s War on Guns

Trump administration weighs the options against Syria

Did James Comey overstep his authority when he was FBI Director?


Judge Orders Big Oil to Prove Climate Change ‘Isn’t Real’

Trump reconsidering TPP?

Dems Call For Slave Reparations, Assassination Of Trump

What Did Tom Arnold Just Do To Roseanne Due To  Her Trump Support?


Supercomputer Predicts Dangerous Earthquake Fault In America Is About To Pop!

Joy Behar compares Trump sanity to dictators

Market reacts positively to Trump possibly rejoining TPP

Bill O’Reilly on Comey, Mueller & More


Mass Forced Vaccination Drill Conducted By US Law Enforcement

How Far Will The Left Go To Take Down Trump?

Democrats question Pompeo about Mueller investigation

Breaking: Trump Drops The Hammer On Rosenstein


Whatever Happened To ‘America First’?

Red Alert! The Deep State Wants World War But Will Settle For Proxy Wars

Feds tell dairy farmer his genuine milk is ‘imitation’

Conflict with Russia ‘could easily escalate’ – former Pentagon official


Former FBI director likens President Trump to a mafia boss

Illusionist may be forced to reveal trick amid lawsuit

Missouri governor speaks out on ‘witch hunt’

Who will win in Trump-Putin showdown?


This Dirty Democrat Just Pocketed 13 Million From The Russians

The Trendiest New Sandwich, Delicious or Disgusting?

Making a Homestead Evacuation Plan

Breaking News: “Russia Warns Their Citizens To Prepare For WW3”


Why the Average Family Can’t Make Ends Meet?

China Sparks Trump’s Interest in Trans-Pacific Partnership

Is Outstanding U.S. Consumer Credit Card Debt Sustainable?

The risks a response to Syria could expand to a wider war in the Mideast


California Now Imposing Absolutely Insane Punishment For Waiters

Liberals Fear The Worst As Rod Rosenstein Gets Unexpected Surprise From Trump

Breaking: Referendum to Split Calif. Into 3 States Will Be on Ballot.

Roseanne Kicked Out Of Hollywood After Finally Exposing Their Huge Secret


Secrets of Private Security Professionals Revealed

The Left’s War on Guns

How To Clean And Lubricate A Taurus 709 or 740 SLIM Pistol

Billionaire boosts movement to break up California


Russia Has “Irrefutable Evidence” UK Staged Syrian Chemical Attack

Clerk Gets the Drop on Would-Be Robber | Active Self Protection

Meet Boy Allergic to the Sun

Prepping Poll: How Long Could You Survive?


World War III Will Be An Economic War

Stormy Daniels has a better chance of bringing down Trump than Comey: Kennedy

Market reacts positively to Trump possibly rejoining TPP

Why Republicans should tout Trump’s tax cuts prior to midterms


Woman Refuses To Sing National Anthem At Baseball Game After Team Bans Guns

Breaking: Referendum to Split California Into 3 States Will Be on Ballot.

Trey Gowdy Brilliantly Educates Joy Behar On her Own Show

Your Chance to Shoot With The Best | For Snipers & Precision Shooters


Leftist School Teacher Encourages 5 Year Old To Transition Into Female

President recruiting allies to respond to Syrian gas attack

Rasmussen: More Americans think Mueller probe biased

Top 10 Scariest YouTube Channels


America’s Number One Export Is Now Fear

Feds Using Stormy Daniels To Take Down President Trump

What is next in Syria standoff?

Top 10 Famous Child Celebrities Who Ruined Their Careers

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