Headlines 4/2/2018


Trump tweets ‘DACA is dead’

The U.S. is rebuilding our military

Do the Democrats have a 2018 platform problem?

Chinese raises tariffs on 128 US products


Middle School Forces Children to Write Controversial  Letters to Congress

Trump announces U.S. will be coming out of Syria soon

Dan Bongino: You can’t have a country without borders

Gutfeld: ‘Roseanne’ has Hollywood shaking in their reboots


Here’s how Trump can defund Planned Parenthood

FBI accused of not being transparent in San Bernardino massacre

The Amazon CIA Connection

Hillary Clinton Flaunts Fake Moral Authority Once Again


Boko Haram won’t release girl who refuses to denounce Christ

Another FBI Agent Charged With Leaking Classified Info

Child fights to save his father’s life

Snoop Dogg tops gospel chart


Trey Gowdy Is Cleared To Go After Hillary Clinton And Loretta Lynch

Don’t Make This Mistake: Pre-Made Emergency Kits

Middle School Forces Children to Write Anti Gun Letters to Congress

Cell phone Radiation Causes Tumors To Grow In Rats…


The factors potentially weighing on the housing market

Illegal immigrants in California allowed to pay in-state tuition

U.S.-China Trade Relations Is a Long-Term Negotiation

North and South Korea to hold first summit in years on April 27


Why is London’s Murder Rate Surpassing New York’s Important?

Students Walk Out In Support Of Second Amendment

Chicago Adding New Layer To Gun Control

Free rifle magazines handed out at gun rights rally in Vermont


Sometimes Training Pays Off in the Strangest Ways

The ATF & Trump Want To Classify Bump Stocks As Machine Guns & How To Stop It ?

Free rifle magazines handed out at gun rights rally in Vermont

Trump hardening his approach to immigration?

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