Headlines 4/5/2018


Breaking: National Guard Deployed To US-Mexico Border

Tucker: Media will stop talking about YouTube shooting

Trump looks to cut massive spending bill

Will more cities oppose California’s sanctuary law?


Why Does CNN Ignore The Truth About MLK Murder?

President Trump Solves Border Security Problem By Sending Military

Just Like in Parkland, Police Also Dropped the Ball in ‘YouTube’ Shooting

Should Trump stop attacking Amazon?


Transgender bathrooms to be forced on 4-H kids

Trump Critic: ‘Why are people still allowed to have 5 kids?’

YouTube Shooter Identity Revealed, Left In Panic Mode

Self Sufficiency Is The Greatest Power


Chinese government reinterpreting Bible for masses

7-year-old reaches summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Trump signs order authorizing National Guard to protect border

Hundreds of Christians killed in Nigeria as Fulani violence spikes


London Homeowner Arrested For Murder After Killing Armed Burglar

YouTube Shooter Identified As Nasim Aghdam

Mom Has Twins and Then Triplets

Saudi Prince Acknowledges Israel’s Right To Exist


Dimon: Bureaucracy Is a Disease

Days numbered for US mission in Syria?

Trump Threatens To Cut Off Aid To Honduras If The Caravan Doesn’t Stop

Agriculture Faces Pain in Crosshairs of U.S-China Trade Dispute


Anti-Gun Groups Start Eating Their Own?

Advertiser Slaps Down David Hogg, Refuses to Abandon Laura Ingraham

Ben Shapiro: The Truth About The Youtube Incident

Parkland Students Lose Their Minds After After New Security Measures Go Into Effect


Will The Media Try To Brush YouTube Shooting Under the Rug?

Stocks rebound as US-China trade threat appears to ease

Could the YouTube shooting have been prevented?

‘Red flag’ laws allow states to seize guns

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