Headlines 5/11/18


Judicial Watch: FBI Advised Comey to Work With Mueller

Pelosi Plans to Tank Trump’s Historic Victory if Democrats…

More Gun Makers Spank Dick’s Sporting Goods

How artificial intelligence is hurting democracy


Exclusive: Jeff Sessions Gets Horrible News After Deep State Leak…

Town & Country magazine apologizes to Monica Lewinski about Clinton

Maxine Waters is the ‘Chicken Little’ of the Democratic Party

Should the US get involved in the Iran-Israel conflict?


Social Media Giant Censors President Trump

Emotional support robot duck helping children going through chemo

10 Facts You Don’t Know About Donald Trump’s Family

Five ISIS Leaders Captured, Ignored By Main Stream Media


WATCH: Biden Makes Racially-Charged Gaffe Describing Detroit Women…

EMP Commission Warns of Year-Long Blackout, Dark Sky Drill Next Week

Trump announces 2020 slogan: ‘Keep America Great’

Will the media ever give Trump credit for his accomplishments?


Shocking: Amazon Bans Christian Group, Allows Anti-Semitic Groups

DOJ invites Nunes for classified briefing over Russia documents

Santa Clarita becomes first LA county to reject California sanctuary law

Twitter Censors Push Notifications From President Trump Tweets


Diamond & Silk: Obama’s Legacy Didn’t Have A Leg To Stand On

Ryan backs Nunes in feud with DOJ

Gina Haspel Roasts Democrat For Comparing CIA Agents To Terrorists

Training America’s workforce to handle the increasing use of AI


Breaking: The FBI Hid A Mole In The Trump Campaign!

Global impact of US withdrawal from Iran deal

Cop: Keep Pot Prohibition Or I’ll Shoot The K9 Dog

Dog The Bounty Hunter Star Exposes Google And The Hug-A-Thug Program


DESPERATE Liberals Plot To Bypass Electoral College For 2020 Election!

James Woods Hails Down Storm Of Facts On Obama Administration!

Woman Places $18 bet at Kentucky Derby, What Happens next Will SHOCK You

VIDEO: Roger Stone Calls Out The Censorship Campaign Of The Tech Left LIVE On CNN


DHS Secretary Gives Democrat Senator A Lesson On Following The Law

Beyonce Has A Big Problem With What Melania Was Seen With, Accuses Her Of…

NBC Investigates Itself, Finds No ‘Culture’ of Sexual Harassment

Diaper Consent?? The Orwellian Madness Of The Left


VIDEO: Nunes and Gowdy meet with Justice Department officials

Cohen fights back against Stormy Daniels’ lawyer

If Your Nest Egg Is Cash, BEWARE It’s Gonna Blow—Here’s What the Rich Are Hoarding Instead

Study: Exactly How Negative Is Trump TV coverage?


VIDEO: ‘Star Trek’ Tech Gets Real: New Cloaking Metamaterial Conceals Objects

EMP Commission Warns of Year-Long Blackout, Dark Sky Drill Next Week

Defenders Drive Off Robber Who Had Carbine | Active Self Protection

Military Moms Never Heard From Michelle In 8 Years, In Tears Over What Melania Just Did


If Interest Rates Cross THIS Line, the Market Will Crash According To…

Will bitcoin become a mainstream currency?

US military under Trump winning the war on ISIS?

NJ Governor signs bill allowing free tuition for illegal immigrants


Why Are Billionaires Hiding Bitcoin in Bunkers?

Potential Trump deal with Kim Jong Un a market win?

Economic slowdown on the way?

Training America’s workforce to handle the increasing use of AI


Breaking: McCain Just Attempted Sabotage…

Melania Took Secret Trip And The Incredible Reason Has Finally Been Revealed

Conservatism Works: Trump Economy Offers Most Jobs in History, Enough for Everyone

Bill Clinton Just Screwed Monica Again & She’s Done Being Silent!


Intruders Break Into Keanu Reeves House, They Weren’t Expecting What He Had Waiting…

More Gun Makers Spank Dick’s Sporting Goods

President Trump Just Deported Major Celebrity Who Had It Coming

Melania’s Poll Numbers Just Took a Landslide Sized Leap… Even Dems Love Her


VIDEO: FBI Used Human Intel to Spy on Trump Campaign

Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær: The Strangest Semiauto

Defense Department praises Iraqi military for ISIS arrests

American Detainees Released, Media Bias Still Prevails

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