Headlines 5/15-5/17/21 (Avril)


Farmer fights back against Blatant RACISM from Biden administration

Anthony Fauci Flatly Denies Funding “Gain-of-Function” Virus Research in Wuhan Lab via NIH

Biden has yet to visit the border, what’s going on?

Rahm Emanuel Spews More Garbage Lies From His Pie Hole On ABC News


Jim Jordan Exposes Dem Hypocrisy on Objecting to Elections in Savage Moment

THIS Town Radiates Freedom with New Declaration

‘Our Nation Is In Deep Peril’: Ret. Military Officers Pen POWERFUL Open Letter to Biden

Buck Sexton: Is Biden the new Jimmy Carter?


Donald Trump Releases Urgent Statement as Biden Sits Back and Lets Israel Suffer

Most Americans oppose Critical Race Theory. So why not take a stand?!

Mitch McConnell makes bold prediction on Biden’s presidency

Biden administration to finally resume border wall construction


Waves of Illegals Still Crossing into our Country Every Day – Biden Admin SILENT

Triggered Libs Go Nuts after the NFL Officially Says it’s Tebow Time

DeSantis Just Put Biden on Notice after Declaring State of Emergency in his State for Gas Shortage

How Big Tech Is Attacking Free Speech With Josh Hawley


Biden Just Realized His BIGGEST Mistake Yet and It May be Too Far Gone to Fix

CDC advisory committee recommends Pfizer vaccine authorization for ages 12-15

Rep. Liz Cheney vows to speak out on Trump after being ousted from GOP leadership

Chelsea Echoes Hillary, Demands Social Media Platforms Act Right Now


Biden has yet to visit the border, what’s going on?

Waves of Illegals Still Crossing into our Country Every Day – Biden Admin SILENT

Donald Trump Releases Urgent Statement as Biden Sits Back and Lets Israel Suffer

Triggered Libs Go Nuts after the NFL Officially Says it’s Tebow Time


Is the Biden Admin Trying to EXPLOIT the Pipeline Hack?

Newt Gingrich Reveals Who’s Really Going to Be Hit Hardest By Biden’s Tax Hikes

Lauren Boebert: “Democrats Want to Teach Our Children to Hate Each Other”

Narcissist Michelle Obama Says You Can’t Hang Out With Her Unless You Meet Her One Condition


Libs Outraged after Looking Up and Seeing this Epic GOP Billboard on the Highway

69 Members of Congress Ask Senate NOT To Confirm David Chipman as ATF Head

Biden Just Realized His Biggest Mistake Yet and It May be Too Far Gone to Fix

Anthony Fauci Flatly Denies Funding “Gain-of-Function” Virus Research in Wuhan Lab via NIH


Tim Scott’s Latest Assessment of the Police will Have Libs Even MORE Triggered

John Carney: Paying Off Pipeline Hackers “Extremely Dangerous,” Invitation for Hackers to Return

Ted Cruz reacts to new CDC mask guidance: ‘It’s about damn time’

Hannity: What are you going to do, Joe?


20 Governors Just Rose Up and Said ‘ENOUGH’ to Biden and his Crazy Agenda

I blame…Biden

Biden DHS Secretary official will ‘lie about anything’: Charlie Hurt

Biden’s Energy Secretary Just Admitted a Key Fact About Pipelines


Joe Biden Breaks Campaign Pledge – Now Building the Wall!

Libs will Faint after Hearing de Blasio’s Newest Plan for Police

How Did The Left Become So Radicalized?

Biden’s DOJ Just Hired the Most Controversial Person for Critical Job


Joe Biden in Trouble with his Handlers Again after Reporters Refuse to Stop asking Him Questions

THIS AG Is Suing to Remove Kamala Harris

Rep. McCarthy Holds “Back the Blue Bike Tour”

Newt Gingrich Unleashes during Interview about Pipeline Attack


Biden’s Energy Secretary Just Admitted a Key Fact About Pipelines

Ted Cruz reacts to new CDC mask guidance: ‘It’s about damn time’

Florida Governor To Pardon Everyone In State Charged with Breaking Covid Restrictions

Will AOC’s foreign policy agenda seep into the White House?

Jim Jordan Exposes Dem Hypocrisy on Objecting to Elections in Savage Moment

This Town RADIATES Freedom with New Declaration

‘Our Nation Is In Deep Peril’: Ret. Military Officers Pen Powerful Open Letter to Biden

Buck Sexton: Is Biden the new Jimmy Carter?


Narcissist Michelle Obama Says You Can’t Hang Out With Her Unless You Meet Her One Condition

Lauren Boebert: “Democrats Want to Teach Our Children to Hate Each Other”

Donald Trump Releases Urgent Statement as Biden Sits Back and Lets Israel Suffer

Revolution on the Rise: How Marxism’s Early Stages Are Happening Now


Farmer fights back against Blatant Racism from Biden administration

Anthony Fauci Flatly Denies Funding “Gain-of-Function” Virus Research in Wuhan Lab via NIH

Biden has yet to visit the border, what’s going on?

Rahm Emanuel Spews More Garbage Lies From His Pie Hole On ABC News


Waves of Illegals Still Crossing into our Country Every Day – Biden Admin SILENT

Triggered Libs Go Nuts after the NFL Officially Says it’s Tebow Time

DeSantis Just Put Biden on Notice after Declaring State of Emergency in his State for Gas Shortage

How Big Tech Is Attacking Free Speech With Josh Hawley


Biden Just Realized His Biggest Mistake Yet and It May be Too Far Gone to Fix

CDC advisory committee recommends Pfizer vaccine authorization for ages 12-15

Rep. Liz Cheney vows to speak out on Trump after being ousted from GOP leadership

Chelsea Echoes Hillary, Demands Social Media Platforms Act Right Now


Donald Trump Releases Urgent Statement as Biden Sits Back and Lets Israel Suffer

Most Americans oppose Critical Race Theory. So why not take a stand?!

Mitch McConnell makes bold prediction on Biden’s presidency

Biden administration to finally resume border wall construction

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