Headlines 5/29-6/1/21 (Avril)


Hunter Biden emails show Biden met with foreign business partners

Mike Huckabee slams Biden for highest government spending since WWII

Sen. Kennedy: Biden shows America can be ‘bought like a sack of potatoes’

New video shows ‘chaos’ at border amid claims ‘border is closed’

Subject Line – Hunter Biden’s Emails Exposes His DAD | America Can Easily Be Bought | CHAOS At The Border


Americans STUNNED to Learn How Much The Bill Was for National Guard Troops in DC

Who’s really covering up for China’s COVID involvement?

I don’t think Biden can count…

The Left Doesn’t Care About Women!


Republicans EXPOSE Biden’s ATF Nominee’s Plans for American Gun Owners

This BLM Chant Caught on Camera will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

DeSantis Sends Loud And Clear Message About Who Is The Leader of The GOP

These Schools go WOKE: Their New Plan for the Classrooms Just Struck a Nerve


FOX News FINALLY Decided to Let Go the One Host Everyone Despised

Biden’s big brother society will backfire

Charlie Kirk: Trump had it right, they mocked him

Hannity reveals new ‘shocking’ details from Hunter Biden emails


Is Joe Biden an agent of China?

Leave God out of your speech, Principal told Valedictorian… Student speaks out

MVernon Jones Blasts Critical Race Theory in Scorching interview

Biden’s budget is ‘reckless, crazy, makes no sense’


China’s exposed and Biden and the media don’t care

Tucker: Stupid people took control of our country

In a Desperate Move to Save Herself, This Governor Just Sponged Away the Rule she Broke

Biden’s not a capitalist he’s a ‘far-left’ politician..

Subject Line – China’s EXPOSED | This Governor Just Broke Her Own Rule | Stupid People Took Control


Leaked document reveals US plans to nuke China

Is Joe Biden an agent of China?

Facebook Backtracks: Now Lets Users Say COVID Was Man-Made

Epstein’s “helpers” agree to testify against Ghislaine Maxwell

Subject Line – US Plans To NUKE China | Joe Biden An Agent For China | You Can Now Say COVID Was Man Made


Jen Psaki Dodges Questions About one of America’s Most Deadly Problems

So THIS is what DC cares about?

The Hunter Biden Scandal Explodes

Citizens CELEBRATE after DeSantis Signs Tax Holiday Bill into Law


So THIS is what DC cares about?

Microsoft & Google Caught Illegally Selling User Data

The Hunter Biden Scandal Explodes

Citizens CELEBRATE after DeSantis Signs Tax Holiday Bill into Law


Senator John Kennedy HUMILIATES Dr. Fauci While Entire Internet Rolls Over Laughing

Is the border truly closed?

US taxpayers were funding the Wuhan lab

Trish Regan: Biden voters, he just ‘JIPPED’ you


Jen Psaki Spews TOTAL BS When Asked about Joe’s Health

Growing number of voters feel Biden is ‘too liberal’

Biden incentivizing cartels to bring immigrants in: Paxton

Is ‘wokeness’ backfiring on Democrats?


CNN clings to Trump as ratings plummet

DHS plans ‘significant changes’ to ICE as deportations

Fauci, what’s with the flip-flopping?

Hollywood HORRIFIED after Jon Voight drops Video EXPOSING the Left

Subject Line – Fauci Flip-Flops | Hollywood HORRIFIED After Left Is Exposed | CNN Clings To Trump


Old Joe Unable to Form Coherent Sentences while Speaking at FEMA Meeting

Serious question, why do liberals live in an alternate universe?

We don’t know what to believe with Biden administration

The Truth They Dont Want us to Hear!

Subject Line – Old Joe Can’t Form A Sentence | Libs Living In Alternate Universe | The TRUTH They DON’T Want Us To Hear


Kamala Harris Reaches NEW Milestone…. But NOT In a Good Way

The New War on Terror: Innocent Until Proven Conservative

NASA finds new proof of potential life on Mars

Liberal Activist Exposes what Biden’s Infrastructure Plan is Really About


Whitmer Gets OWNED in New Ad that EXPOSES Her Deadly Policies

This New NRA Ad is Guaranteed To ‘Trigger’ Libs Everywhere

Jordan Peterson Backs The Perfect Campaign For White Wokies and It’s Hilarious

US military on UFOs: Why won’t they tell us?

Subject Line – The BIG UFO Secret | NRA Triggers Libs… Again | Whitmer Gets Owned


Kamala OPENLY Insults South Korean Leader – This is EMBARRASSING for America

This country has a crime problem, not a gun problem

Joe Biden, illegitimate, in so many ways

The Internet Unleashes on Union Boss after She Makes ABSURD Claim



Biden is selling us out to Iran…

Brennan Is Suddenly Worried About Antifa – But Here’s What He Really Worried About

Libs Blame Trump for Media Not Covering Wuhan Lab Theory

Subject Line – Segregation Is Back | Biden Selling Out To Iran | Libs Blame Trump… Again


BLM Shuts Down Block of NYC Businesses – Their Reason Behind it is OUTRAGEOUS

Joe Biden’s ATF Nominee Crumbles When Asked To Define An “Assault Weapon”

Biden’s Response to UFO Question Says It All

John Cena’s Apology to China Proves Love of MONEY Outshines Principle


Newt Gingrich: China needs to be ‘held accountable’ for lying to the world about COVID-19

Judge Pirro rips media for ignoring latest Hunter Biden scandal


Ted Cruz: Ban vaccine passports

Subject Line – BAN Vaccine Passports | Facebook Backtracks On COVID Speech | China Was Lying


Fauci and Facebook BOUGHT the Chinese propaganda

Is ‘wokeness’ backfiring on Democrats?

Gov. Cuomo on DEFENSE After Getting Advice from His CNN Brother

Leave God out of your speech, Principal told Valedictorian: Student speaks out


Americans STUNNED to Learn How Much The Bill Was for National Guard Troops in DC

Ingraham: Who’s really covering up for China’s COVID involvement?

I don’t think Biden can count

The Left Doesn’t Care About Women!


Republicans EXPOSE Biden’s ATF Nominee’s Plans for American Gun Owners

This BLM Chant Caught on Camera will Send SHIVERS Down Your Spine

DeSantis Sends Loud And Clear Message About Who Is The Leader of The GOP

These Schools go WOKE: Their New Plan for the Classrooms Just Struck a Nerve


FOX News FINALLY Decided to Let Go the One Host EVERYONE Despised

Biden’s big brother society will backfire

Charlie Kirk: Trump had it right, they mocked him

Hannity reveals new ‘shocking’ details from Hunter Biden emails


Hunter Biden emails show Biden met with foreign business partners

Mike Huckabee slams Biden for highest government spending since WWII

Sen. Kennedy: Biden shows America can be ‘bought like a sack of potatoes’

New video shows ‘chaos’ at border amid claims ‘border is closed’

Subject Line – Hunter Biden’s Emails Exposes His DAD | America Can Easily Be Bought | CHAOS At The Border


China’s exposed and Biden and the media don’t care

Tucker: Stupid people took control of our country

In a Desperate Move to Save Herself, This Governor Just Sponged Away the Rule she Broke

Biden’s not a capitalist he’s a ‘far-left’ politician

Subject Line – China’s EXPOSED | This Governor Just Broke Her Own Rule | Stupid People Took Control


Leaked document reveals US plans to nuke China

Is Joe Biden an agent of China?

Facebook Backtracks: Now Lets Users Say COVID Was Man-Made

Epstein’s “helpers” agree to testify against Ghislaine Maxwell

Subject Line – US Plans To NUKE China | Joe Biden An Agent For China | You Can Now Say COVID Was Man Made


Jen Psaki Dodges Questions About one of America’s Most Deadly Problems

So THIS is what DC cares about?

The Hunter Biden Scandal Explodes…

Citizens Celebrate after DeSantis Signs Tax Holiday Bill into Law


Is Joe Biden an agent of China?

Leave God out of your speech, Principal told Valedictorian… Student speaks out

Vernon Jones Blasts Critical Race Theory in Scorching interview

Biden’s budget is ‘reckless, crazy, makes no sense’

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