Headlines 7/31-8/2/21 (Kalee)


Gov. Cuomo Just Told THE BIGGEST Lie of his Career

Matthew McConaughey Reveals The Best Advice He’s Received On Running For Governor

Americans DENIED this Critical Right as Illegals March Across the Border

Joy Behar Declares Unvaxxed Must Be Threatened Into Submitting


After Defunding the Police, Look Who is in DESPERATE Need of More Cops

Why is China meeting with the Taliban?

Greg: Biden is filled with decades of tall tales, the media ignores it all

Mike Lindell will not air ads on Fox News

Will Larry Elder Replace Governor Newsom In California Recall Election?

Corporatism To Fascism: Do YOU Have a Plan To Deal With It?

Why are we blaming Trump supporters?

NASA Insight finds bombshell in Mars interior


The Biden Administration is Lying to You

The Economy Now Relies on ONE Thing. But It’s Running Out

Amount of drugs coming across border is ‘staggering and unprecedented’: Arizona sheriff

Liz Cheney’s Does the Bidding of Her Masters in Jan 6th Opening Statement

Security Researchers Issue New Windows 11 Warning

Meet the Original Antifa: The Weather Underground

Matthew McConaughey Reveals The Best Advice He’s Received On Running For Governor

Joy Behar Declares Unvaxxed Must Be Threatened Into Submitting


Biden Declares WAR Will Occur with Major Power if This One Thing Happens

When Hollywood Tastes Their Own Medicine

Synchron CEO on first FDA approved brain chip implant for paralysis

Cuomo is not off the hook…

Rep. Chip Roy SLAMS fellow GOP & Dems who support DRAFTING our daughters

How Michael Phelps Spends $80 Million Dollars

What is net zero?

Confused Biden Struggles to Explain Why Vaccinated People Should Wear Masks Now

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