Headlines 8/7-8/9/21 (Avril)


What a Joke! Obama Needs YOU To Give Him $6 Birthday Gift To Fund Presidential Library

Satellite images in China show growing nuclear stockpile

Here are states restricting local governments from imposing mask mandates

Gavin Newsom is very, very nervous


You’ve Got To See THIS! DeSantis Blasts Biden.

China sticking with ‘whopper’ lie that COVID came from America

2 Texas Dems who fled state to avoid vote allegedly vacationing in Portugal

This man is Newsom’s biggest threat and he’s a Democrat


Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

Dana White releases powerful message on UFC vaccine requirements

Looks Like USA Olympics Athlete Violated Rules By Using ‘Insurrection’ Symbol

Jesse Watters: We Need to “Stick Mics in Bad Guys’ Faces” to “Put the Fear of God in These People”


DEEP COVER UP: Pompeo Says Biden Not Stopping What China Started Summer Of 2019

Immigrant landlord says Biden ‘robbing her of American dream’

Why Isn’t CDC Studying Harmful Effects of Masking Kindergarteners for 7 Hours?

Hungarian prime minister hits back at Biden calling him a ‘thug’ on ‘Tucker’


The REAL Reason US is Provoking China

Greg digs up 2020 comment by Biden that reveals Democrats’ true intentions

Former Detroit Police Chief Announces Security Plan To Offer To Liberal ‘Elected Officials’

Biden Forced To Respond To Pelosi-led Disaster, Thousands To Be Left Without Place To Live


“Creepy Joe” strikes again

Cuomo’s Big Scandal Exposes the Media’s Shameless Bias

Biden signs Capitol Police Act

Psaki Asked One Question She Didn’t Want About Border, She Turns & Blames Trump


Psaki Asked One Question She Didn’t Want About Border, She Turns & Blames Trump

Why Isn’t CDC Studying Harmful Effects of Masking Kindergarteners for 7 Hours?

Biden Forced To Respond To Pelosi-led Disaster, Thousands To Be Left Without Place To Live

“Creepy Joe” strikes again


BUSTED: Pelosi In Trouble With Voters Over January 6th House Committee Says New Poll

Cuomo’s Big Scandal Exposes the Media’s Shameless Bias

Immigrant landlord says Biden ‘robbing her of American dream’

Left-wing extremism: destroying everything it touches


Far-Left’s LONGTERM Plan To Demonize White Conservatives EXPOSED

Cuomo spotted lounging poolside as scandal continues to build

Tucker Carlson Reveals What Is Really Happening Surrounding Obama’s Birthday Scandal

CNN In Ratings Dumpster Fire: Last Week None Of Their Shows Broke A Million Views


Psaki GRILLED On Biden Ties To Criminal Sexual Assault Charges Against Cuomo

Should we be worried about technology?

Obama Needs ‘You’ To Give Him ‘$6’ Birthday Gift To Fund Presidential Library

DeSantis Blasts Biden: “I Don’t Want to Hear a Blip About Covid” Until You Secure Border


Want to Do Any Shopping or Dining? Dems Say BETTER BE VAXXED!

DeSantis Challenges Biden, Announces He Doesn’t “Want To Hear A Blip” From President

Do New Yorkers want Cuomo to resign?

Scientists: microbes communicate with aliens


The 10 STAGES OF GENOCIDE may be happening here, NOW

Want to Do Any Shopping or Dining? Dems Say BETTER BE VAXXED!

Will US require vaccine passport?

DeSantis: If Biden Won’t Restore Internet for Cuba, Florida Will Step Up


DeSantis TRASHES Biden for Attacking Florida’s Handling of COVID-19

Fox Reporter Catches Biden Admin ‘Mass Release’ of Migrants In Downtown Of American City

Mexico sues US gun manufactures

Far left’s LONGTERM plan to demonize white conservatives EXPOSED


American Medical Association Wants Sex REMOVED From Birth Certificates

The 10 STAGES OF GENOCIDE may be happening here, NOW

DeSantis crowned new nickname after ‘masterclass’ speech against Biden

Will US require vaccine passport?


The Government’s Plan to DESTROY Small Business

Should we be worried about technology?

Obama Needs ‘You’ To Give Him ‘$6’ Birthday Gift To Fund Presidential Library

Immigrant landlord says Biden ‘robbing her of American dream’


Far left’s LONGTERM plan to demonize white conservatives EXPOSED

We’re Never Seen Anything Like This Before! Pandora’s Box and the Next Monetary System

Want to Do Any Shopping or Dining? Dems Say BETTER BE VAXXED!

How Donald Trump Shifted Thousands In Donor Money To His Business After His Presidency


Fox Reporter Catches Biden Admin ‘Mass Release’ of Migrants In Downtown Of American City

Nobody is supporting Andrew Cuomo

Biden DHS Sec. Denies Involvement In What Is Happening At Border For First Time in 21 Years

Restaurant owner refutes de Blasio’s claim businesses want vaccine mandates


DeSantis TRASHES Biden for Attacking Florida’s Handling of COVID-19

Airbnb Bet Big on the Tokyo Olympics. Covid Left Hosts Paring Losses

Rand Paul: Nothing more authoritarian than no-fly list for unvaccinated

Does CNN care about Clinton and Cuomo scandals?


Kamala Harris Will Get Put “In The Ground” In 2024 By DeSantis

Ted Cruz shreds Biden for ‘super spreader’ at the border

Vaccine mandates have started. Will your town be next?

Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration


Obama Got CAUGHT With His Mask Off and Pants Down

Sex Scandal-Plagued Cuomo Begs Businesses To Punish Unvaccinated

Hannity: We are now dealing with lunatics

What is the WEAKEST Link Today?


Gov. Abbot Goes Off On Joe Biden For What He Did About Border Crisis

Why Cuomo’s defense makes his accusers even madder

Congressman sues MSNBC over Rachel Maddow’s ‘Russia hoax’ comments

Kayleigh McEnany exposes ‘subtle attack’ by the left


THIS is how the far-left is DESTROYING children’s innocence

Democrat voters owe America an apology

Big Bosses at MSNBC Trying to Stop Newly Formed Union

White House Dismisses Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Joe Biden as Already “Heavily Litigated”


WEIRD. Joe Biden Captured On Camera Slipping Young Boy His Used Facemask

Did American Airlines Berate This BlazeTV Host?

Breaking poll shows Independent support for Biden ‘crashing’

Americans Are Taking On Debt As If Tomorrow Will Never Come


Joe Biden Senior Handlers Call Him “The Nightmare On Elm Street”

Worse ‘Than Watergate:’ Biden Should Be Impeached Immediately

GOP lawmaker reveals their ‘made in America’ provisions in the infrastructure bill

After Defending Him For Months, Biden Gives Cuomo The Bad News


This Biden blunder might have created a new “Axis of Evil”

Comet poised to seed life on Venus in December

Boston Mayor compares NYC vaccine mandate to slave papers

Biden ADMITS Ban on Evictions Unconstitutional


DeSantis Blasts Biden: “I Don’t Want to Hear a Blip About Covid” Until You Secure Border

China sticking with ‘whopper’ lie that COVID came from America

2 Texas Dems who fled state to avoid vote allegedly vacationing in Portugal

This man is Newsom’s biggest threat and he’s a Democrat


Why Americans No Longer Trust the Biden Administration

Dana White releases powerful message on UFC vaccine requirements

Looks Like USA Olympics Athlete Violated Rules By Using ‘Insurrection’ Symbol

Jesse Watters: We Need to “Stick Mics in Bad Guys’ Faces” to “Put the Fear of God in These People”


Obama Needs YOU To Give Him ‘$6’ Birthday Gift To Fund Presidential Library

Satellite images in China show growing nuclear stockpile

Here are states restricting local governments from imposing mask mandates

Larry Elder: Gavin Newsom is very, very nervous


The real reason US is provoking China

Greg digs up 2020 comment by Biden that reveals Democrats’ true intentions

Former Detroit Police Chief Announces Security Plan To Offer To Liberal ‘Elected Officials’

Biden Forced To Respond To Pelosi-led Disaster, Thousands To Be Left Without Place To Live


“Creepy Joe” strikes again

Cuomo’s Big Scandal Exposes the Media’s Shameless Bias

Biden signs Capitol Police Act

Psaki Asked One Question She Didn’t Want About Border, She Turns & Blames Trump


DEEP COVER UP: Pompeo Says Biden Not Stopping What China Started Summer Of 2019

Immigrant landlord says Biden ‘robbing her of American dream’

 Why Isn’t CDC Studying Harmful Effects of Masking Kindergarteners for 7 Hours?

Hungarian prime minister hits back at Biden calling him a ‘thug’ on ‘Tucker’

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