
Trump Did It! Issues Massive Request for Border Wall That will Make Mexico Go Crazy

North Korea had help from China, Russia in building missile program: Gen. Jack Keane

James O’Keefe Panders to Populist ‘Conservatives’ Who Think Silicon Valley Is the Greatest Threat to Freedom

U.S. Marshals Will Auction $52 Million of Bitcoin Seized Through Asset Forfeiture


Media Bewildered As Trump Proves He’s A Genius While Hosting Normal Meeting With Democrats

Text messages reportedly show leaks from FBI agents in Russia probe

Kidnapped nuns freed after Nigerian police operation

Donald Trump cancels UK visit over ‘bad deal’ embassy


Judge Jeanine Issues Bold Warning to Hillary Clinton About What Coming

Senator releases Fusion GPS founder’s closed door testimony

Pope Francis could meet sex abuse survivors as protests loom in Chile visit

Russell Moore leads Christians rebuking Donald Trump over foul-mouthed rant about immigrants


This Crypto Insider Is About To Rock The Whole Bitcoin World, This Is What You Need To Know

Disgusting! Google Quietly Targets Conservative Sites With Sick New Act That Will Make You Furious

Pakistan Says The US Is No Longer Its Ally (And It’s A Much Bigger Deal Than You Think)

U.S. Marshals Will Auction $52 Million of Bitcoin Seized Through Asset Forfeiture


Boom! FBI Tipped Off Podesta! The Shocking Thing They Told Him Proves Criminal Collusion

The Second Bernie Sanders Shows Up Everyone Sees The Sick Thing He Is Wearing, People Are Freaking

Russia Knows Who Attacked Their Bases In Syria And It’s Not Turkey

Feinstein Makes Startling Admission: “I Got Pressured” To Release Fusion Transcripts


Trump Responds To Oprah Winfrey Running For President, Hints That She Has Skeletons In The Closet

Last Straw: Trump Lawyers Prepare For War with Robert Mueller as Presidential Interview Looms

Army Finds $830 Million In “Missing” Helicopters As First Ever Audit Begins

Wall Street Bank With Three Felonies Sends Employee To Head SEC Trading Division


Red Alert: Trump Still Planning To Strike North Korea As Globalists Plot Against America

Tick Tock Hannity Alerts Followers A Bombshell is Coming!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate Is A ‘Phony Document’

WalMart Raises Starting Wage To $11, Provides One-Time Bonus Following Trump Tax Reform


Vindication! Cliven Bundy Wins Case As Federal Judge Drops The Hammer On ‘Outrageous’ Federal Agents

Donald Trump Calls for DACA Amnesty ‘Bill of Love’ and Wall Funding ‘You Need the Wall’

House Votes to Reauthorize Controversial FISA Surveillance Legislation

Sam’s Club Abruptly Closes Stores Nationwide, Employees and Customers Raise Questions


Breaking: Trump Breaks Bannon! Shockwaves Tear Through Breitbart As Steve Bannon Makes His Last Move

Twitter Caught Trying To Silence James O’Keefe After He Exposed Their Conservative Censorship Regime

Twitter Caught Trying To Silence James O’Keefe After He Exposed Their Conservative Censorship Regime

Mnuchin: “We Want To Make Sure Bad People Can’t Use Bitcoin To Do Bad Things”


Chris Christie Breaks Down With Six Words To The Press That Has All Of America Laughing In His Face

Bannon Apologizes for his remarks on Trump in ‘Fire and Fury’

Supreme Court asked to recognize a Second Amendment right to sell guns

Gun rights: Bid to federalize concealed carry puts GOP in unfamiliar territory


It’s Happening! Russian Dossier FISA Docs Delivered To House Intel Committee Obama Admin On Notice

Breaking: Judge Blocks President Trump From Rescinding DACA!

Florida Gun Shop Under Scrutiny for Ad Depicting Armed Antifa Standoff

Texas Capital City Facing Lawsuit & $7.3 Million Fine for Blocking Concealed Carry


What Just Leaked About Dems And DACA Proves Our Worst Fears How They’re Manipulating Minorities

Chinese Communists’ Threats To Launch Massive Currency War With The US Rattle Markets

Call To Action: A Critical Message That Every American Needs To Know Before Something Bad Happens

Breaking: Evidence Mounts That Bannon Was Engineering 25th Amendment Coup With Chinese Backing

Report: FBI Investigating Bannon For Ties To Mysterious Chinese Tycoon


Millionaire Pelosi Just Made The Biggest Gaffe Of Her Career …. or Was It Actually Gaffe?

Ashton Kutcher: Anti-Human Trafficking Software Helped Find 6,000 Victims, Including 2,000 Children

Chicagoans are Not Happy About Obama’s Ugly, Weird Presidential Library Plans

REAL Reason Democrats Want to Save DACA

Senator Feinstein’s Release of Fusion GPS Co-Founders Testimony Just Opened Up A Huge Can of Worms

Sour Grapes: MSNBC Upset Trump Only Called on ‘Conservative Outlets’ for Questions

‘Fire and Fury’ Debunked, But The Staggering Amount of ‘Works of Resistance’ Have Only Just Begun

JUST IN: Federal judge orders State Dept to speed up processing and production of Clinton’s emails

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