
Congress Horrified, Stunned By FISA Memo, Rep Drops 6 Words On TV And Rocks DC #ReleaseTheMemo

Fusion GPS Founder FBI May Have Paid Expenses for Anti Trump Dossier Author

LOL: Trump Thanks Democrats for Shutting Down the Government on His One Year Presidential Anniversary

“Credible Evidence Of A Terrorist Infiltration”: Congressman Says ‘Secret Intel’ Proves ISIS Connection To Las Vegas Massacre


Watch Don Lemon Lose It On Live TV After MLK’s Nephew Stuns Him With One Shocking Word About Trump

Kentucky Drops The Hammer On Welfare Leeches Recipients With One Epic Command

Twist: Christians use same-sex marriage ruling to protect their rights

Pope Francis ends South America tour amid backlash over sex abuse comments


Breaking: California Defies Trump, State Vows to Arrest Business Who Submit to Federal ICE Raids

Right After Winning Trump’s Fake News Award, Newsweek’s Worst Nightmare Comes Knocking on the Door

IRS revises streamlined application form for tax-exempt groups

Deep State Stalwart About To Escape Perjury to Congress


It’s About To Go Down! US And China Brace For Global Confrontation That Could Rattle the World

Former ‘High-Level’ CIA Agent Warns ‘Terrified’ Deep State Wants President Trump ‘Taken Out’

Hateful Liberals In Total Shock As Their Paradigm Collapses

Russia Accuses US Of Carving Out “Alternative Government” In Syria As Mattis Says No Longer Focusing On Terrorism


FBI Opens 3 New Investigations Into The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One & The Secret Service

Trump’s Bubble Is Going To Implode In A Massive Market Crash Causing The Election Of Communists

Liberal Media Twists Rising Firearm Theft Stats into Call For Gun Grab

New Gun Owners Account for 40 Percent of California Guns Purchased


Pelosi Humiliated On Live TV After CEO Drops The Hammer On Her Insult To Millions Of Americans

Video: Trump Becomes First President To Speak At A March For Life Rally

Shocking and Alarming FISA Memo Set to Rock DC, End Mueller Investigation

US Border Guards Can Search Your Phone and Laptop without Probable Cause

Sean Hannity: Mueller And His Band Of Witch Hunters Need To Be Disbanded


Fusion GPS Founder Testimony: ‘Makes Sense’ FBI Paid Expenses for Anti-Trump Dossier!

Mike Huckabee Makes Special Request of his Daughter at Next Press Briefing and it’s Brilliant!

Morning Joe Pundits Saddle GOP With 8 Times More Blame on Government Shutdown

There’s a ghost haunting Elizabeth Warren as she ramps up for a possible 2020 presidential bid

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