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Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case

Florida school shooter had red flags all around him: Fmr. FBI assistant director

Congress Has Failed (Yet Again) to Close the Martin Shkreli Loophole

Tennessee Bill Would Make It Easier for Ex-Convicts to Get Jobs


Breaking: MSNBC’s Top Cuck Chris Hayes Accuses Trump Of Something Unforgivable in Florida

Florida High School Survivor: We Need Guns To Protect Us From Bad Guys

Jeff Sessions and Chuck Grassley Spar Over Sentencing Reform

Is America under God’s Judgment, or are we merely Reaping what we have Sown?


Breaking: FBI Knew! They were Warned!

VP Pence: North Korea Is The Most Tyrannical, Oppressive Regime On The Planet

After Florida, will American evangelicals embrace gun control?

What ‘peace’ means to Muslims; just ask Jefferson


GOP Senator Strikes Fear In The Hearts Of DACA Parents With One Word, They Better Start Running Now!

Man Who Contacted FBI About School Shooter Breaks His Silence!

The Military Industrial Complex Strikes Again: War Spending Will Bankrupt America

Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster pictured in space first time since SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch


Busted: Look What the DOJ’s Bruce Ohr Was Caught Hiding From Ethics Officials!

Trump’s infrastructure plan: Who will pay for it?

Far-Left Group Calls For Murdering Republicans as Revenge For Florida School Shooting

Trump Administration To Test Biometric Program To Scan Faces Of Drivers


Trump Strikes Fear Into Big Bird With Major new Proposal

Warning! Graphic Content: Florida HS Survivors Speak Out, More Than One Shooter!

The U.S. Deficit Is Beyond Control: Markets Don’t Like Long-Term Government Insolvency

Trump Triggered The IRS To DROP 298 Tax Regulations


Wait, What? Everyone Is Freaking Out over who Trump’s Lawyer got caught paying

Trump floats gas tax to pay for infrastructure

Bridgewater’s European Short Grows To A Massive $22 Billion: Here Are The Targeted Companies

The End Of The Petrodollar? China Unveils Oil-Futures Launch Date


BAackfire: Olympian Who Insulted Mike Pence Now Regrets His Dumb Decision

Trump calling for online sales tax, gas tax?

Calling the Cops Every Time a Student Seems Sad, Angry, or Lonely Isn’t Going to Stop Mass Shootings

The Military Industrial Complex Strikes Again: War Spending Will Bankrupt America


Hollywood Horrified After What Actor Bill Murray Just Said About Supporting Trump

China Is Trying to Takeover the Chicago Stock Exchange, SEC Blocks Attempt

Mnuchin Breaks With White House, Calls On Congress To Address Gun Violence

Schiff Claims “Ample Evidence Of Collusion” Amid ‘Closed-Door’ Hearings With Bannon


BOOM! Uranium One Informant Drops News That Will Destroy Hillary’s Life

Florid-a Shooting: Here Is What They Are Not Telling You… H-U-G-E

Let’s Not Follow Mexico’s Gun Control Example

Florida Shooting Victim’s Mother Calls on Trump to Act [Video]

WHOOPS! Dem Congressional Candidate Was Just Arrested!

Last Friday This Terrorism Expert Predicted The Florida Attack

Why Congress is hesitant to pass gun control, by the numbers

Perspective on WHO to Blame When A Mass Shooting Occurs (Hint – Gun Free Zones)


Really? CNN issues Groundbreaking Trump Expose’ On One Stupid word

Red Alert! Evidence Mounts Florida Attacks Is A Giant False Flag

Did a Trump Cabinet member tell Congress they should look at US gun laws?

The Latest: Obama calls for gun safety laws after shooting

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