Headlines 4/23/2018


McCabe’s Bombshell Confession: Obama Official Ordered Me To… 

Governor Cuomo to Restore Voting Rights of 35,000 New York Felons

How many jobs are at risk from artificial intelligence?

Watters’ Words: Comey and Clinton are the perfect pair


CNN Was Just Forced To Declare A ‘Huge Victory’ For Trump

Breaking: Look Who Just Resigned Over “Political Correctness”!

Dershowitz: ‘No way’ FBI went after Cohen ‘if they weren’t interested in’ Trump

James Comey’s Attack On Trump Backfired And His Worst Nightmare Came True


Clinton Crime Network Is In Panic Mode

Judicial Watch Announces Bold Move That Will Have Comey & Mueller Scrambling!

California Bill Would Ban The Sale Of Bibles, Other Convservative Speech

How Much Planned Parenthood Is Spending To Take Over Congress Will Shock You To the Core


RNC Just Broke Big News!

Gutfeld: Comey and Stormy, two peas in a pod

This Just Destroyed the Entire Gun Control Narrative!

Judge Jeanine: You had no right to leak memos, James Comey


Newly Discovered CDC Survey Has Just Destroyed the Entire Gun Control Narrative!

Fearless Federal Judge Orders Release Of Hillary Clinton’s Found Deleted Emails!

A Real-Life Reminder About the Rules of Firearms Safety | Active Self Protection

Which Seat Is the Safest on a Plane?


A New Subprime Crisis Is Unfolding And Nobody Is Paying Attention!

Entire County Refuses to Obey New Gun Control Law, Declares Itself Gun Owner Sanctuary

NBC Anchor Slams Comey, Who Makes Surprising Confession

Concerns growing over Yellowstone Supervolcano


Anti-Gun Zealots Target NRA Lobbyist’s Home

American Federation Of Teachers Pull Business From Wells Fargo Over Gun Maker Relationships

Just In: Trump Just Launched the Counterstrike

Breaking: Liberal California Lawmakers Propose Bill To Ban Sale Of Bibles


“Stop Playing Defense On Second Amendment Rights” – Quote of The Day

Waffle House Shooter Had Been Arrested in ‘Restricted Area’ Outside White House Last Year

Are people planning to buy James Comey’s book?

Anti-Gun Cowards Target John Boch’s Car in Dead of Night

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