Headlines 4/4/2018


Should the US military guard the border with Mexico?

Remembering MLK’s final speech in Memphis

Even with smartphones, YouTube and instagram, generation Z is bored

US consumers on the losing end of trade war concerns?


San Francisco shooting: 1 Dead, 4 injured

Can marijuana help fight the opioid epidemic?

Alex Jones Invades The Swamp

Tiger Woods practices at Augusta


CNN Lies To Protect Google’s Anti-Christian Bigotry

Recent Lawsuit Against Infowars Designed To Be Attack On Free Speech

Trump defends Sinclair group over ‘fake news’ video

Embryos created without eggs or sperm?


MLK’s last sermon: ‘I’ve seen the promised land’

Will Driverless Trucks Be Great for Consumers, Safety, and Truck Drivers?

Faith-based education group is calling out Betsy DeVos

Senators launch investigation into cancer drug price hike


‘We Were Held Without Charges’ For Survivalist Facebook Posts

Driver Leaps to Safety as Train Crashes into Truck

Russia & China to Merge Satellite Tracking Systems Into One Global Navigation Giant

Trump Warns Of Event On The Horizon, Headed To U.S. Border!


Will The Dollar Be The Next Fiat Currency To Cause An Economic Collapse?

How California’s sanctuary law makes citizens less safe

Hillary Clinton is constantly demeaning Americans

Why would anyone who makes money buy a home in NYC?


Celebs Quick To Blame The NRA For YouTube Shooting. Just One Problem

California Hikes Tuition on Citizens, Exempts Illegals

Gun Crime In London Soars 42 Percent

Mexico Stops Caravan Dead in Its Tracks After Receiving Trump Message


The Guntube Awards a.k.a. “Glocscars” Winners Announced

Is Trump going overboard against the press?

Where We Draw the Line on Guns – Quote of the Day

Should Trump make good on campaign promise in Syria?

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